Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Entry into strength training If you start with a strength training you should not overdo it directly, but start with small weights and thus get to know your strength development. Only when you have determined your training level should you start to draw up a training plan. With the training frequency you should also approach … Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions Comparing endurance sports with strength training in terms of weight reduction, the following conclusions can be drawn. Strength training tends to build muscle, whereas endurance training can lead to muscle loss, as some muscles are not or hardly ever used. The movement patterns are too one-sided in endurance sports to … Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Training plan Definition of the musculature

Explanation This training plan is suitable to define the already built up musculature specifically. The training plan is based on the bodybuilding principle pre exhaustion in principle and works because of a pre-fatigue of the musculature. Two exercises are performed directly one after the other, which strain the same muscle. The first set is done … Training plan Definition of the musculature

Lactate level test

The lactate level test is one of the most important measuring methods for determining endurance capacity and is used for optimal training planning. Due to the relatively high effort the lactate level test is almost exclusively used in performance-oriented sports. The test is used for individual training plans by determining the values of aerobic and … Lactate level test

Procedure of the lactate level test | Lactate level test

Procedure of the lactate level test A lactate level test is carried out on a rower ergometer, bicycle ergometer or treadmill, depending on the athlete’s discipline. Depending on the measuring method, different load levels are defined. During the course of the examination, the load is increased step by step in order to determine the lactate … Procedure of the lactate level test | Lactate level test

Costs of the lactate level test | Lactate level test

Costs of the lactate level test In addition to the lactate level test, many sports centers also carry out tests of certain blood values and provide detailed advice based on the results. Depending on the center, the prices vary between 75 and 150€. The costs are usually not covered by health insurance. All articles in … Costs of the lactate level test | Lactate level test

Further fatigue fractures | Fatigue fracture of the heel

Further fatigue fractures Of course, the fatigue fracture of the verses is not the only injury that can be caused by excessive strain on the bones. Below are other types of fatigue fracture. Fatigue fracture in the metatarsus Fatigue fracture in the foot Fatigue fracture of the tibia All articles in this series: Fatigue fracture … Further fatigue fractures | Fatigue fracture of the heel