Fasting History

Synonym Healing chamfered, diet, nutrition, removing At the end of the 19th century chamfering was no longer practiced by most churches and began to disappear in the sinking. Around 1880 the physicians Henry Tanner and Ed Hooker Dewey took up the topic chamfered again and revived it. Tanner accomplished at itself a 42-tägiges chamfered under … Fasting History

Fasting cure

Synonym therapeutic fasting, diet, nutrition, losing weight What is therapeutic fasting? The original purpose of therapeutic fasting is to “detoxify” and “purify” the body and serves the regeneration of body and mind, not to lose weight. Pollutants, which accumulate in the body due to unhealthy ways of life, environment and metabolism, so-called “cinders”, are to … Fasting cure

How much can/should I lose weight with this diet? | Fasting cure

How much can/should I lose weight with this diet? Actual goal of the welfare-chamfering is not the weight acceptance, as is stressed several times at all places. However with the renouncement of solid food also a weight loss will adjust itself, if the taken up calories lie under the daily consumption. Particularly at the beginning … How much can/should I lose weight with this diet? | Fasting cure

Hildegard of Bingen | Fasting cure

Hildegard of Bingen The abbess Hildegard of Bingen is not only known for numerous alternative medicines, but also for her concept of therapeutic fasting, which was already practiced in the Middle Ages. Also with the cure after Hildegard of Bingen is to be done without “loading” food and the body cleaned and strengthened from the … Hildegard of Bingen | Fasting cure

How long should I fast? | Fasting cure

How long should I fast? Beginners should not overdo it with fasting despite initial overmotivation. Here it comes particularly fast to sometimes severe side effects. The recommendations vary depending upon concept of the welfare-chamfered, are recommended usually between four and twelve days, maximally two weeks. Who is already practiced and knows its body well and … How long should I fast? | Fasting cure

How can I prevent the yo-yo effect during therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure

How can I prevent the yo-yo effect during therapeutic fasting? Particularly after termination of the chamfering cure, if again to solid food and above all coal hydrates one seizes, an increase cannot be avoided. The water, which left the body before with the Glykogenspeicher of liver and muscle, is stored again and settles on the … How can I prevent the yo-yo effect during therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure

Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting | Fasting cure

Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting From medical viewpoint nothing speaks with a healthy adult with good physical condition against the execution of a short time therapeutic chamfering cure. One should undergo a physical examination by a doctor beforehand and be checked for complaints. If the side effects are too strong, one must also think about … Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting | Fasting cure

Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure

Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? Heilfasten in stationary or ambulatory framework is expensive and is taken over in the fewest cases by the legal health insurance companies. Cures in hotels are not paid for, in the case of an inpatient stay only if there is a strict medical indication. Approval of the … Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure