Inner Belly Fat: Determine Personal Risk

Increased abdominal girth is the outwardly visible sign of excessive internal abdominal fat. Therefore, abdominal circumference measurement is considered a simple method to detect excessive internal abdominal fat. Up to 75 percent of this fat can be determined in this way. So, unlike BMI, abdominal circumference measurement provides insight into fat distribution and associated health … Inner Belly Fat: Determine Personal Risk

Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

The number of studies documenting even moderate weight loss as a health benefit is incalculable. Already a reduction in weight by five to ten percent and the resulting reduced abdominal circumference let the inner belly fat melt by about 30 percent. That pleases the heart: Because also its largest adversaries – high blood pressure and … Inner Belly Fat: Weight Loss Tips

Fat metabolism disorder

Introduction Fat metabolism disorders are diseases that lead to changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels due to disorders in the transport, metabolism and production of fat. They are medically called dyslipidaemias. If there is a general increase in blood lipids cholesterol and triglycerides, one speaks of hyperlipidaemias. The values of the so-called blood lipids are … Fat metabolism disorder

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder Elevated blood lipid levels remain undetected for a long time because they do not initially cause any symptoms. They are often detected by chance in routine examinations or, in most cases, only become noticeable through late effects. These include narrowing of the heart vessels, which can lead to angina pectoris … Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? The consequences of a lipometabolic disorder are the accumulation of fats in the vessel wall and the slow closure of the vessel wall.This is called atherosclerotic change or atherosclerosis. The vessels lose their elasticity and may even tear. If the arterial vessels become blocked, the tissue behind … What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

Gluconeogenesis: Function, Role & Diseases

Gluconeogenesis ensures the re-synthesis of glucose from pyruvate, lactate and glycerol in the body. In this way, it ensures the glucose supply of the organism during periods of starvation. Disturbances in gluconeogenesis can lead to dangerous hypoglycemia. What is gluconeogenesis? Gluconeogenesis reactions occur mainly in the liver and muscles. During gluconeogenesis, glucose is produced again … Gluconeogenesis: Function, Role & Diseases

Well Cure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The health-promoting effect of medicinal water has been known for centuries. However, the fountain cure became really popular only in the 18th century, when the healing springs were also used to a greater extent for internal cleansing of the body. Today the user can carry out his drinking cure also at home. There are about … Well Cure: Treatment, Effect & Risks