Bruise on the face


Bruises are also called haematomas or colloquially bruises and are skin bleedings. Accordingly, blood has collected in the soft tissue due to a blood vessel injury. This can happen in the face as well as anywhere on the body.

The blood vessels are usually injured or even destroyed by physical violence, such as blows or hits. A bruise on the face discolours the skin very much when it is relatively close to the surface of the skin. The colour can vary from black/blue to yellow/green, depending on how old the bruise is.


The cause of a bruise is one can be different. In most cases, however, a bruise on the face is caused by a violent impact, which has damaged a blood vessel due to its vibration. In the face, this often happens as a result of a fall, bruise or accident, such as traffic or sports accidents, in which the face collides with something at high speed.

Furthermore, blows to the face are also among the causes of bruising. There are also bruises without any external force; these are rarely on the face. However, this only affects people who are taking blood-thinning medication or who are seriously ill. Falls can cause bruising on the face, as it is possible that the fall causes the face to suffer a severe impact.

In the case of a fall, the person affected has an unintentional, sudden contact with a deeper level. If you cannot hold on with your arms fast enough during the fall, it is possible that your face also comes into contact with the ground. Depending on the height and speed from which the person falls and thus hits the ground with varying degrees of force, the extent of the vascular injury also varies.

The bigger the vascular injury and the more vessels are injured, the bigger and more painful is the bruise on the face. A blow to the face is a common cause of bruising. It does not matter whether the blow is made with a fist, flat hand or, for example, a stick.

The strength of the blow and therefore the speed and force with which the blow hits the face is decisive. The stronger the blow is, the more blood vessels are injured and can bleed into the skin, which determines not only the size but also the pain of the bruise. This topic could also be of interest to you:

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Bruises on the face do not always have to be caused by an external force, there are also the following other causes.

People who take medication, such as blood thinners, have inhibited blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding. However, even such bruises are usually caused by an impact, i.e. an act of violence, which is hardly noticed by the person. Furthermore, people with a congenital blood coagulation disorder such as haemophilia get bruises very quickly. In addition, spontaneous bruising can also be caused by an infectious disease or cancer.