Flu Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Influenza (flu) usually begins suddenly and manifests itself in the following symptoms: High fever, chills, sweating. Muscle, limb and headache Weakness, fatigue, feeling sick. Cough, usually a dry irritating cough Rhinitis, nasal congestion, sore throat Digestive disorders such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mainly in children. The flu occurs mainly in the winter months. … Flu Causes and Treatment

Ferrum phosphoricum

Other term Phosphoric acid iron, iron phosphate Special feature Belongs to the biochemical Schüssler salts (as the first inflammatory agent effective in the initial stage of inflammatory processes). Application of Ferrum phosphoricum in the following homeopathic diseases Anemic, mostly bright and blond people with blue vein markings Migraine-like headaches with knocking and pulsating in the … Ferrum phosphoricum

Homeopathy for nosebleeds

Introduction Nosebleeds (medically also called “epistaxis”) can have many different causes, such as traumatic effects (injury) or irritation of the nasal mucous membrane due to allergic reactions or similar. It can also occur spontaneously, without a recognizable cause. Common to all cases is that a superficial blood vessel of the nasal mucosa has burst. Normally … Homeopathy for nosebleeds

How quickly can an improvement be expected? | Homeopathy for nosebleeds

How quickly can an improvement be expected? How long a homeopathic treatment has to last in order to achieve an improvement of the symptoms depends strongly on various factors. These include among others: In general, the homeopathic remedy should be discontinued as soon as the symptoms have disappeared. If the symptoms do not respond after … How quickly can an improvement be expected? | Homeopathy for nosebleeds

When should I not treat nosebleeds homeopathically and when is a doctor’s visit necessary? | Homeopathy for nosebleeds

When should I not treat nosebleeds homeopathically and when is a doctor’s visit necessary? Some alarm symptoms of nosebleeds should also be noted, for which a doctor should be consulted. These include above all symptoms that indicate arterial bleeding. An artery is a blood vessel leading away from the heart, which transports oxygen-rich blood and … When should I not treat nosebleeds homeopathically and when is a doctor’s visit necessary? | Homeopathy for nosebleeds

Schüßler salts

The founder of the biochemical healing method is the German physician Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821- 1898). In the first years of his medical career he devoted himself entirely to homeopathy, but was always looking for a “simplified therapy”. In 1873 he published an article in the “Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung” with the title “An abbreviated homeopathic … Schüßler salts