Production of biochemical agents | Schüßler salts

Production of biochemical agents

With the Schuessler salts it depends on specific medicinal stimuli, which support and stimulate the healing efforts of the body in an appropriate way.This might also be of interest to you: Slimming with Schüssler salts Only the smallest amounts of substances in the finest distribution are capable of this, as they correspond to the concentrations in the blood and tissue of humans. All functional remedies and supplements according to Schuessler are rubbed with lactose, potentiated according to the rules of homeopathy and brought into tablet form. The active substances are thus broken down as much as possible, combined with the highest reactivity.

They can pass the cell membranes as ions. In this way, the inhibition of the exchange of substances between the cell interior and the space between the cells is removed and the cell can regenerate biologically and biochemically. The functional agents are available in D 3, D 6 or D 12. The supplements in the potencies D 6 and D 12. The biochemical ointments always contain the mineral active ingredients in the D 6.


Magnesium One is a pacifist. One avoids aggression (is afraid of conflicts), provides balance and harmony, brings peace. Sometimes quite constructive, but one also likes to sweep problems under the carpet to make everything look perfect on the outside.

One has fears of loss (divorce, children leave home), fear of physical and mental pain. This leads to inner tensions and inhibitions on the emotional level. Potassium One has one’s principles, what is right and what is wrong and remains true to them, is conservative and observes rules.

Sense of duty and responsibility, work as a task, care on a material level (feelings are neglected). One is wooden and closed, but optimistic! one likes to take responsibility, has honorary offices and sees representation as duty.

Contacts and relationships are developed also for own advantage, no friendly contacts, likes to have a second foothold. Quite willing to get involved in charitable causes. One overworks oneself and suffers from the exhaustion syndrome.

Calcium One has many fears, is sensitive to criticism, the question is always: “What do the others think? One is insecure and often embarrassed, therefore one likes to shield oneself. One is basically anxious (fear of everything).

Often shows a hard shell, but has a soft core. Fluoratum reflects our zeitgeist. Fast money, shine and a clean surface.

Behind it hardness and numbness and the fear not to get enough. Phosphor Man is compassionate and communicative. Has many friends and maintains good contact with neighbors and work colleagues.

One is homesick, outside one feels anxious and suffers from uncertainty and strangeness. One is afraid of darkness and thunderstorms. Ferrum Man is energetic, forces himself to persevere and hold out in all situations.

One is prone to violence, is irritable and it can happen that one “slips his hand”. Sulfur Man is not shiny and hard like Fluoratum, but he is very careful about the external effect. However, only your own opinion is important, others are not important.

One attaches great importance to beauty, to clothing. One wants to experience joy and love, is selfish and jealous. Chloratum One suffers from self-pity (never had a mother, nobody cared about me!).

Complains about lack of care and attention by the mother. One tries to compensate for lack of self-confidence with much knowledge. Sodium is considered to be a great cause of grief.

One is depressed and closed off. One imposes restrictions and prohibitions on oneself. Inside very sensitive and conservative.

Silicea One needs a stable place, a home. Family is very important, always looking for love and harmony. If this does not succeed, hate can arise.

You try to build up your own, positive image (show strength), here it is not about shine, you don’t want a false shine (even with subtle make-up). This applies to games as well as to relationships, neighborhoods, friendships. You can find it in the enamel of teeth, in bones and epidermis cells and where elastic tissue is present.

The product relieves the blood circulation, strengthens the small vessels and counteracts hardening of the vessels. Calcium fluoratum is the most important agent for the supporting and connective tissue (Silicea can be used as a secondary agent). It is used for weakness of connective tissue, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, calcification of arteries.

Tendency to caries, damage to intervertebral discs, joint problems, early aging of the skin. Teeth break off easily, enlarged thyroid gland, hard pharyngeal tonsils, hunger pains on an empty stomach (better after eating), heartburn. Joint pains, which are improved by warmth and exercise.Arthritis with nodules, hard knots in acne.

Everything that should be soft is hard and vice versa! The patients have light, thin skin, vessels translucent blue. One is sensitive to noise, bright light and smell.

They react with headaches. Old scars itch and can become inflamed. One suffers from excessive sensitivity to pain.

One is in need of protection (hard shell, soft core), feeds on bacon as protection. It is the most abundant salt in the body. Forms mainly the hard bone mass and is present in the cells.

It acts on the cell membranes and is involved in protein formation. It is the biochemical building and strengthening agent. For bone and tooth diseases, poorly healing bone fractures, anaemia, rapid fatigue, nervous disorders, sleep disorders (also in infancy, childhood and puberty).

Also in case of menstrual problems, during pregnancy and after serious diseases during convalescence. The product works slowly and must be taken over a longer period of time. The patients are often slender, thin and tall.

They lack consistency, live with and through other people and hate boredom. Boredom causes dissatisfaction, people fear routine, sigh, moan, are grumpy and forgetful (everything that seems unimportant). Often children and young people who grow too fast are affected, they suffer from pain in their joints, anemia, inner weakness.

The children are up to about 10 years old, rather fat (calcium) and then become thin and long (phosphorus). They suffer from concentration disorders, poor performance, school headaches. They suffer from the dichotomy between the desire for independence (avoiding boredom) and the desire for protection and security at home.

If they leave home, they are homesick. Iron has a far-reaching and vital role in the human organism. Iron is a component of the red blood pigment, is found in all cells, is involved in many chemical reactions and is an important agent in the immune system.

Ferrum phosphoricum is the 1st inflammatory agent. Used in the first inflammatory stage of a disease (dry swelling character) in all suddenly occurring inflammatory diseases, with and without fever in the early stages. Used for children’s diseases, anemia, circulatory disorders, rheumatic complaints, lack of concentration, physical overexertion.

One does not feel very ill, has, if at all, only moderate fever. Changes between paleness and red cheeks. Coughing, mucous membranes redden.

Beginning earaches, no strong pain, rather running and creeping. All complaints worsen at night, as well as through heat and movement. Rest and cool air relieve the complaints.

Potassium is a component of every cell. Like sodium, it has special effects on the excitability of nerves and muscles. Potassium plays an important role in protein formation and the utilization of carbohydrates and is an indispensable component of the organism.

Potassium deficiency leads to serious disorders and changes in the body. Potassium chloratum is the 2nd inflammatory agent. It is the main remedy for catarrhs of various organs and mucous membranes, when the secretions are viscous and filamentous and form a whitish, grey and slimy mass.

White-grey scales on the skin or white deposits on the mucous membranes. Patients are very conscientious and fixated on caring for other people (children, parents), forgetting themselves – life turns grey! Potassium chloratum is prescribed for ear, eye and throat diseases associated with the symptoms described above.

Also for bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy as accompanying therapy. Also for rheumatism, tendosynovitis, warts, burns. The complaints improve with heat, become worse with movement and strongly spiced, fatty food.

As already described, potassium is a very important substance in the organism. A deficiency leads not only to physical disorders and fatigue of the organs, but also to psychological symptoms, such as depressed and depressed mood, anxiety, sadness and memory weakness. Potassium phosphoricum is the main remedy for acute, chronic and recently overcome serious diseases and states of exhaustion “I can’t take it anymore!

Used for nervousness, exhaustion, melancholy, hysteria, insomnia, memory weakness, muscle weakness, back pain, nervous heart problems, anxiety with palpitations.For supportive treatment of heart disease, paralysis and general loss of strength in serious illnesses. Poorly healing wounds with putrid, foul-smelling secretions. Cautious, light movement improves the symptoms, effort makes them worse.

After ferrum phosphoricum as the first inflammatory agent in dry swelling without secretion and potassium chloratum as the second inflammatory agent in viscous secretions, potassium sulfuricum is the third inflammatory agent in yellow-slimy secretions. Potassium sulfuricum is prescribed for all diseases that “do not come out right. “For chronic inflammations, skin diseases with desquamation, chronic and purulent mucous membrane catarrhs with yellow, foul-smelling secretions in large quantities and gastrointestinal catarrhs.

Generally to promote all excretions and detoxification processes. Especially suitable for elderly people who sacrifice themselves without claiming to get anything in return. Fear of failure, listlessness, depressions arise.

One has wandering pains (not punctiform like sodium bicarbonicum), the mood is sad and anxious. The symptoms worsen in the evening and in closed, warm rooms. Everything improves in cool, fresh air.

The “Cramping drug. “Besides potassium, magnesium is a very important mineral in the human organism. Magnesium influences the excitability of nerve cells, regulates neuromuscular excitability and heart function.

It is used for cramps of all kinds, colic and pain, nerve irritation, migraine. Also for flatulence or diarrhea with cramping pain. For teething problems and cramping cough of small children, for cramping pain associated with menstruation.

The pain is colicky and often shooting up like electric shocks. Heat improves, cold aggravates the pain. One feels the need to press on the painful area.

If you want to have a quick effect on cramps and colic, dissolve 10 tablets of Magnesium phosphoricum in a glass of hot water and stir several times. Drink a sip of this every 2 to 5 minutes. The name is based on the fact that Magnesium phosphoricum is the 7th remedy after Schüßler.

Common salt has a very important biological meaning in the body, it is absolutely vital. Potassium is mainly found outside the cells, sodium inside the cells (sodium-potassium pump). Sodium regulates the water balance and the osmotic pressure.

An adult person in temperate zones needs about 5 to 8 g of table salt daily for this. Sodium stabilizes the acid-base balance, ensures the excitability of muscles and nerves, supports the new formation of cells and stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Sodium chloratum is a “dark and heavy remedy”, its main theme is grief also associated with suicidal thoughts.

Mostly older patients are affected. You carry something with you, live frozen and look back (What if I had… !)

You cannot let go of unpleasant things from the past. One is closed (not to be in flow! ), suffers alone, cries alone (tears taste very salty and burn on the skin), is resentful (does not forget neither bad nor good!).

The eyes water in cold wind, one has dark rings under the eyes. One is afraid of being disappointed, closes up, does not feel comfortable in company, prefers to be alone. Sodium chloratum is used for migraine, school headaches, loss of appetite, emaciation (from top to bottom, pear-shaped, throat emaciated), mucous membrane catarrh with aqueous secretion, watery diarrhea, weeping rashes, rheumatic complaints, also for hysteria and lack of drive.

One likes the sun (not the direct sun), but in the heat the legs become heavy. The intensity of the complaints changes with the sun, in the midday hours worsening, in the morning, in the evening and at night improvement. Desire for salty food, a lot of thirst.

Everything gets worse with mental overexertion and in humid cold weather. Improvement through dry, warm (also cool, but not cold) and fresh air.

  • Calcium fluorate (1)
  • Calcium phosphoricum (2)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum (3)
  • Potassium chloratum (4)
  • Potassium phosphoricum (5)
  • Potassium sulfuricum (6)
  • Magnesium phosphoricum (7)
  • The “Hot Seven”
  • Sodium chloratum (8)

Widely used in the organism, it is particularly important for the excretion of metabolic waste products and for reducing the general readiness for inflammation.

It keeps uric acid in solution, which is excreted through the kidneys. Sodium phosphoricum influences the carbonic acid exchange of the blood and the metabolism of lactic acid, which is formed from glycogen during muscle work. The agent Sodium phosphoricum is a proven neutralizing agent for excess acidity of any kind.

In case of excess acidity in the stomach, heartburn, acidic vomiting, inflammation of the stomach mucous membrane with acidic belching, fermentation stools, rheumatism, sciatica and gout. Also for glandular swelling, eye inflammation, almond and throat catarrhs, bladder catarrh, skin rashes with honey-like, creamy secretions. Yellow, mustard-colored coating on the tongue.

All complaints before or during thunderstorms and in humid-cold weather worse, very sensitive to weather. Exercise and fatty foods also lead to aggravation. It has the task of draining the body, eliminating metabolic waste products, detoxifying the organism and stimulating the flow of bile.

For all diseases of the excretory organs (liver, bile, kidney, bladder), rashes, weeping ulcers of the lower legs, water retention in the tissues (edema), flu-like infections and rheumatic complaints. The secretions are yellowish green, watery. The symptoms, which often occur periodically, become worse towards morning, in humid weather and in humid environments (apartments).

Patients are very frosty and freeze easily, they are irritable, indifferent and depressed. They often suffer from morning diarrhea and sudden urge to defecate. Silicea is an indispensable component of the connective tissue and is important in the formation of the skin and mucous membranes, nails, hair and bones.

It increases the resistance and mechanical strength of the tissues. Silica promotes the absorption of calcium from food and has a positive influence on the activity of the macrophages, which are important for the immune system. Silicea is the main remedy against acute and chronic inflammation and ulceration of all kinds.

It is also used to treat slack vascular walls (varicose veins, hemorrhoids). For growth disorders of nails and hair, delayed wound healing, caries and rickets. It is also considered a general regenerating agent.

The symptoms are aggravated in cold weather, in the evening, at night and during exercise. Warmth and warm wrapping improve the complaints. One also knows so-called “Silicea children”.

Their facial features look downright “old”, they are undernourished with flabby skin and muscles, weak, depressed and unable to perform. Important remedy for all purulent processes, especially for chronic suppuration. Calcium sulfuricum stimulates the metabolism.

Used for abscesses, boils, tonsillitis, purulent processes in bronchitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses with a foul-smelling, bloody discharge. Also in chronic rheumatism, insomnia, memory loss and dizziness.

  • Sodium phosphoricum (9)
  • Sodium sulfuricum (10)
  • Silicea (11)
  • Calcium sulfuricum (12)