
General information The Germanic tribes used to call the thumb “Dumo” or “Dume”, which was supposed to mean “the fat one” or “the strong one”. In the course of time, this term developed into the word “thumb” as we know it today. The thumb (Pollex) forms the first finger of a hand and can be … Thumbs

Thumb saddle joint

Synonym Articulatio carpometacarpalis (lat. ), carpometacarpal joint Definition thumb saddle joint The thumb saddle joint is located in the area of the wrist, it is largely responsible for the flexible mobility of the thumb and as one of the most stressed joints is often affected by degenerative processes. Structure The thumb saddle joint is formed … Thumb saddle joint


Synonyms Joint head, socket, joint mobility, Medical: Articulatio Types of joints Joints are divided into real joints (diarthroses) and fake joints (synarthroses). The real joints are separated from each other by a joint gap. If the joint space is missing and is filled with filling tissue, it is called a fake joint. In the case … Joints

Special features | Joints

Special features In certain joints, additional structures within the joint (intra-articular structures) are also present. Menisci articulares are sickle-shaped structures with a wedge-shaped cross-section that are only found in the knee joint. They consist of firm collagenous connective tissue and fibrous cartilage. They serve to compensate for the non-fitting joint partners and reduce the pressure … Special features | Joints

Therapy | Gout attack

Therapy The main aim of the therapy of a gout attack is both the rapid relief of the pain symptoms and the inhibition of the spread of inflammatory processes in the area of the affected joints. The treatment of an acute attack of gout is generally carried out by the administration of various drugs. In … Therapy | Gout attack

Gout attack

Introduction Gout is a disease that is due to a malfunction of the purine metabolism and runs in waves. Patients suffering from gout should consult a physician promptly and initiate appropriate treatment, as this disease can lead to the deposition of uric acid crystals (so-called urate) in various joints and tissues if insufficient therapy is … Gout attack

Symptoms | Gout attack

Symptoms The symptoms of an acute attack of gout can vary from patient to patient both in intensity and duration. However, pain in the affected joints and in the surrounding tissue are among the typical symptoms of an acute attack of gout. In addition, all classic signs of inflammation can be detected in the joints. … Symptoms | Gout attack