Cluster headache

Definition Synonyms: Bing-Horton syndrome, Bing-Horton neuralgia, erythroposopalgia, lightning headache: cluster headache. Cluster headache is a form of recurrent headache. It occurs unilaterally, usually in the eye-forehead- sleep area, and has some features that are different from other forms of headache: Symptoms Cluster headache is characterised by an accumulation of very severe painful episodes over 1-2 … Cluster headache

Therapy | Cluster headache

Therapy In the case of a seizure, patients are supplied with high doses of oxygen via a face mask for a period of about 10 minutes. The administration of an ergotamine preparation as an injection under the skin or as a nasal spray can also prove helpful, and a lidocaine nasal spray can also be … Therapy | Cluster headache

Forecast | Cluster headache

Forecast Often the disease is chronic and no causal therapy is possible. In rare cases, however, the disease comes to a spontaneous standstill. Cluster headache is still under investigation because not all questions regarding its development and treatment options have been clarified. At this stage, cluster headache cannot be cured, but it is possible to … Forecast | Cluster headache

Direct Granules

Products Active ingredients available as direct granules include, for example, the painkiller acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, the stimulant caffeine, and various slimming products. Definition and properties Direct granules are fine-grained drugs, dietary supplements or medical devices that can be taken quickly without water and dissolve in the mouth. They are usually packaged … Direct Granules

Fever: Causes, Treatment & Help

Fever, also pyrexia, is a condition of elevated body temperature that most often occurs as a concomitant of defense against invading living microorganisms or other substances recognized as foreign, and more rarely occurs in the context of otherwise caused inflammatory processes, trauma, or as a concomitant of some tumors. Fever should be distinguished from elevated … Fever: Causes, Treatment & Help


Synonyms in a broader sense Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Definition Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) is a tumor of the gastrointestinal tract that produces large amounts of the hormone gastrin. This hormone is a messenger substance that also occurs in the body of healthy people and, once released, stimulates the stomach to produce digestive enzymes and stomach acid. This … Gastronomy

Complications | Gastronomy

Complications Typical complications of a gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) occur mainly in connection with the ulcers. If an ulcer penetrates the wall of the stomach or intestine very deeply, it is possible that blood vessels are attacked and bleeding of the digestive tract occurs. These can be very small and go unnoticed, but may also assume … Complications | Gastronomy

Rice Pudding: Intolerance & Allergy

When people hear the term rice pudding, they often first think of their grandma’s homemade dessert that regularly sweetened their childhood. In order for raw rice to become rice pudding, the type of rice used must have certain characteristics. Therefore, there exists a special type of rice, which already in its raw state bears the … Rice Pudding: Intolerance & Allergy

Osteosarcoma therapy

Therapy of the osteosarcoma Previously, therapy was limited to the surgical removal of the osteosarcoma. However, since osteosarcoma has a very strong tendency to form metastases, approximately 20% of all patients already have metastases at the time of diagnosis and probably many more suffer from so-called micrometastases that cannot be diagnosed using conventional diagnostic methods, … Osteosarcoma therapy