Symptoms | Inflammation of the auricle

Symptoms Basic signs of inflammation are pain, redness, swelling and overheating in the area of the affected area, in this case the auricle. In contact dermatitis in particular, in addition to redness, dry skin with scaling and itching often occurs. Bacterial inflammation can also cause enlarged lymph nodes on the head and neck. The above-mentioned … Symptoms | Inflammation of the auricle

Numbness in the ear

Introduction Numbness is a sensory disorder caused by a misdirection of information through the nerve. It can be a tingling sensation (paresthesia), a “formication” or a furry feeling. The misdirection of the nerve can be caused by an irritation or damage of the nerve, which can have many causes. Sensitivity disorders are often accompanied by … Numbness in the ear


Products Numerous active ingredients and pharmaceutical excipients are present in drugs as salts. They are also present in dietary supplements, in foods, medical devices and cosmetics. Various salts are available as open goods in pharmacies and drugstores. Structure Salts consist of positively and negatively charged atoms or compounds, that is, cations and anions. Together they … Salts