Agnosia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Agnosia is a neuropsychological symptom based on a disorder of information processing in the brain. Functional deficits in certain brain areas may be the cause. Therapies for this disorder are often based on compensatory strategies. What is agnosia? In medicine, agnosia is used to describe a rare neuropsychological symptom whereby information processing in the brain … Agnosia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Nephroblastomatosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nephroblastomatosis is a rare disease that affects the kidneys. Nephroblastomatosis is manifested by the persistence of kidney tissue from the embryo after birth. The tissue represents a so-called metanephric blastema and is immature. It increases the likelihood that the patient will develop a malignant degeneration of the kidney tissue. What is nephroblastomatosis? Basically, nephroblastomatosis is … Nephroblastomatosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Skin changes with age

Definition Skin changes in old age include normal age-related processes as well as pathological changes of the skin to be treated. Introduction The organ skin is exposed to many stresses and strains day after day. Over the decades, aging processes of the entire body occur, which first become visible on the skin. Causes of skin … Skin changes with age

Symptoms of pathological skin changes | Skin changes with age

Symptoms of pathological skin changes Shingles – usually in the chest area, more rarely in the face, itchy painful blisters caused by activation of dormant chickenpox virus. Skin fungus – mainly in the interdigital spaces between the toes, itchy and scaly skin changes. Itching in old age – the skin itches everywhere, red wheals may … Symptoms of pathological skin changes | Skin changes with age

Anastrozole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Anastrozole inhibits the estrogen-dependent growth of breast cancer. The drug is used primarily in postmenopausal women and in men as part of endocrine therapy (antihormone therapy) for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. What is anastrozole? Anastrozole inhibits the estrogen-dependent growth of breast cancer. As a benzyltriazole derivative, anastrozole belongs to the non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor drug class. It … Anastrozole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Midazolam: Effects, Uses & Risks

Midazolam is among the best-known sedatives. The active ingredient, which is available by prescription, belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. What is midazolam? Midazolam is among the best-known sedatives. Midazolam is a hypnotic or sedative that belongs to the group of short-acting benzodiazepines. The name ‘midazolam’ is derived from ‘imidazole’, a heretocyclic organic compound. Midazolam … Midazolam: Effects, Uses & Risks

Metoclopramide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Metoclopramide (MCP) is a medication that acts on the gastrointestinal tract. Metoclopramide reduces nausea and vomiting and increases stomach activity. It is available in several forms, such as tablets, drops, and suppositories. What is metoclopramide? Metoclopramide (MCP) is a medication that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Metoclopramide is a prescription medication primarily for nausea and vomiting. … Metoclopramide: Effects, Uses & Risks


The name scaphoid stands both for a bone in the hand and a bone in the foot. In order to keep the confusion small, the medical term is Os Scaphoideum and Os Naviculare, whereby the Scaphoid is the bone in the hand and the Os Naviculare is the bone in the foot. The scaphoid in … Scaphoid

Dizziness and circulation

Circulatory problems are widespread and are often accompanied by attacks of dizziness, nausea, sweating or blackening of the eyes and even sudden loss of consciousness. Triggers for circulatory problems can include abrupt changes in the weather, getting up too quickly from a lying position or standing for long periods in crowds, but also severe pain. … Dizziness and circulation

Symptoms | Dizziness and circulation

Symptoms Circulatory problems are manifested above all in suddenly occurring dizziness, flickering eyes, sweating, nausea, blackening of the eyes and even fainting spells. Chronic circulatory problems usually result in fatigue, poor performance, concentration problems and headaches. They can also trigger sensitivity to the weather, irritability and depressive moods. Particularly in older patients, circulatory problems should … Symptoms | Dizziness and circulation