Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger Depending on the extent of the inflammation, an acute nail bed inflammation can be treated by the patient before consulting a doctor. First of all it is helpful to bathe the affected finger once a day. You can use warm water and add substances such as tea … Therapy of nail bed inflammation on the finger | Nail bed inflammation on the finger

Trichophyton Tonsurans: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Trichophyton tonsurans is a dermatophyte. The fungus mainly attacks skin and its appendages, i.e. hair and nails. It belongs thereby to one of the most important pathogens of the Dermatophytosen or also the Tinea. What is Trichophyton tonsurans? Trichophyton tonsurans is a filamentous or hyphal fungus. It also includes other dermatophytes such as Epidermophyton floccosum … Trichophyton Tonsurans: Infection, Transmission & Diseases


Synonyms Mycotoxins, antifungalsAntifungals are a group of drugs that are effective against human-pathogenic fungi, i.e. fungi that attack humans and cause mycosis (fungal disease). The effect of antimycotics is based on the fact that they act against or on fungus-specific structures. Since the fungal cells are structured in some places similar to human cells, there … Antimycotics

Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Synonyms Spondylodiscitis, infectious spondylodiscitis, spondylitis, osteomyelitis, spondylitis Introduction Spondylodiscitis or spondylitis is generally understood to be the inflammation of the intervertebral disc and surrounding soft tissues such as the base and top plate of the spinal segment. Osteomyelitis of a vertebral body caused by non-specific pathogens is distinguished from inflammation caused by specific pathogens. Specific … Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Symptoms | Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Symptoms Patients express particularly severe back pain in the acute phase of the inflammation. They describe this pain as throbbing and pulsating, as well as a feeling of congestion and pressure in the area of the affected vertebral body segment. Often the pain increases with movement, especially the turning and tilting of the head leads … Symptoms | Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Conservative therapy | Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Conservative therapy In order to guarantee a successful therapy in case of an inflammation in the vertebral area, it is important to immobilize the affected region. Bed rest can be prescribed by the doctor for up to several weeks. An intravenous treatment with antibiotics is particularly effective if it has been tested for bacterial resistance … Conservative therapy | Inflammation of the cervical vertebrae

Disease causing fungi

Introduction Fungi can pose a serious threat to humans as pathogens, similar to bacteria, for example. There are cases in which they attack certain areas of the human organism but do not lead to disease, one speaks of commensals. In other cases, however, they lead to severe infections. One distinguishes different groups of fungi. Dermatophytes … Disease causing fungi


General information Lamisil® is the trade name for Terbinafine, a drug used in the treatment of fungal infections (mycoses). Terbinafine intervenes in the formation of the fungal membrane by inhibiting the production of an essential substance of the fungal membrane, ergosterol. Accordingly, Terbinafine has a fungicidal effect. Lamisil® can be used locally (topically) in the … Lamisil®