Get rid of wrinkles

Wrinkles develop during the natural aging process. They develop differently from person to person and also occur individually. Some factors such as sunlight, smoking, alcohol or even a genetic predisposition have a negative effect on the development and cause them to appear earlier. For many people, mostly for women, wrinkles are an unpleasant cosmetic problem. … Get rid of wrinkles

Ultrasound against wrinkles | Get rid of wrinkles

Ultrasound against wrinkles Another method of reducing existing wrinkles and also delaying the formation of new wrinkles is ultrasound treatment. Wrinkles develop in deeper skin layers. Ultrasound is also used to reach and stimulate the deeper cells. The collagen lying between the cells is particularly important for firm skin. Its production should be increased by … Ultrasound against wrinkles | Get rid of wrinkles