Bruise on the lip

Definition A bruise on the lip is also called a bruise or hematoma. It is caused by blood leaking from injured vessels into the surrounding tissue. This accumulation of blood is usually directly under the skin and is therefore highly visible and easy to diagnose. A bruise on the lip can be painful and annoying, … Bruise on the lip

Risks and costs | Wrinkle treatment with own fat

Risks and costs The risks associated with wrinkle treatment with autologous fat are comparatively low. Some patients complain of redness and swelling in the treated areas of the face in the first few days after application. The development of bruising, which however subsides quickly, cannot be excluded. The costs of wrinkle treatment with own fat … Risks and costs | Wrinkle treatment with own fat

What is finger arthrosis?

Synonyms Arthrosis of the finger joints, polyarthrosis of the finger joints, arthrosis of the end of the finger joint, arthrosis of the middle finger joint, polyarthrosis, polyarthrosis, arthrosis of the finger joints Medical: Herbed arthrosis, bouchard arthrosis Introduction Finger arthrosis is a joint disease that is accompanied by wear and tear of the joints and … What is finger arthrosis?

Causes | What is finger arthrosis?

Causes The causes for the development are different. While arthrosis of the finger joints can also be caused by poorly healed fractures close to the joint and poorly healed extensor tendon damage can also be recognized as a cause, the factor of heredity (genetic cause) plays a far greater role. In addition, an above-average number … Causes | What is finger arthrosis?

Diagnosis | What is finger arthrosis?

Diagnosis First, the attending physician conducts an initial consultation with the person concerned. The suspected diagnosis usually exists after the report of the patient’s symptoms. It is also of interest whether relatives of the person concerned also suffer from arthrosis or rheumatic diseases. If this is the case, there may be a possible indication of … Diagnosis | What is finger arthrosis?


Definition Biolifting Biolifting is a gentle, simple and bloodless procedure that is intended to support the body’s own skin renewal processes. This is intended to rejuvenate the skin and reduce wrinkles. Only natural products should be used for biolifting. Biolifting belongs to the mininmal-invasive procedures, as neither a scalpel nor a surgical intervention is necessary. … Biolifting

Results and impact | Biolifting

Results and impact Skin tone is improved, scars and other skin defects are reduced, superficial wrinkles can disappear completely, while deep skin folds become visibly smoother. Age spots can also be treated successfully. The skin on the chin or other problem areas can be tightened. An effective cellulite (orange peel) treatment has also been shown. … Results and impact | Biolifting