Treatment of fever blisters

Introduction The treatment of fever blisters should be started as early as possible, preferably before the actual blister has formed. This can alleviate the herpes outbreak and ease the pain. The treatment is mainly directed against the symptoms caused by a fever blister, as there is no possibility yet to completely remove the herpes virus … Treatment of fever blisters

These drugs are used | Treatment of fever blisters

These drugs are used The most common medications for lip herpes are ointments or creams with antiviral agents (antivirals). Proven medications that are used primarily for cold sores are acyclovir and penciclovir. These are so-called nucleoside analogues. The mechanism of action of these antivirals is that they intervene directly in and interrupt the viral reproduction … These drugs are used | Treatment of fever blisters

Can you get infected by kissing? | Fever blisters are so infectious

Can you get infected by kissing? The herpes simplex viruses are transmitted by a smear infection through physical contact. Therefore, kissing is a particularly easy way to get infected with fever blisters. The viruses can also be transmitted to the partner during unprotected sexual intercourse and lead to infection. For these reasons, body contact and … Can you get infected by kissing? | Fever blisters are so infectious

Thrush infection

Introduction Almost everyone knows herpes as a crusty change on the lip. It is a symptom of the herpes virus that recurs frequently under stress. Over 90% of the population carries the virus. Many people get infected unnoticed. However, the initial infection can also lead to the outbreak of a clinical picture, the so-called “mouth … Thrush infection

Cold sores

Synonyms medical: herpes labialis, English: lip herpes Introduction Lip herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), so it is a viral infection. There are two different viruses that are responsible for triggering cold sores, the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (or human herpes virus 1 and 2). Both viruses belong to the … Cold sores

Trigger | Cold sores

Trigger Many patients often ask themselves the question which factors cause the “dormant” herpes viruses to leave the nerve cells and cause acute lip herpes. Most researchers do not agree on this question either. However, psychological factors seem to play a decisive role in the onset of a relapse.Many patients report that particularly stressful situations … Trigger | Cold sores

Scars after lip herpes | Cold sores

Scars after lip herpes Many sufferers worry about whether lip herpes can leave scars. However, lip herpes usually heals without scarring. In some cases, small pink patches can be found on the lips after the cold sore has healed. These are not scars either. They also heal without consequences within several weeks. Only scratching open … Scars after lip herpes | Cold sores