Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy (radiatio; radiation therapy) is used adjuvantly to surgical and drug therapy. Ionizing radiation is used to cause maximum damage to tumor tissue while sparing healthy tissue. Radiation therapy destroys any tumor cells that may remain in the body after surgery. Radiation therapy thus reduces the risk of tumor recurrence and tumor mortality. Adjuvant (“supportive”) … Breast Cancer (Mammary Carcinoma): Radiotherapy

Fat Blocker

What are fat blockers Fat blockers are drugs that are intended to support weight loss. They do not act like appetite suppressants in the brain, but in the gastrointestinal tract. There they inhibit the enzyme lipase, which normally breaks down the absorbed fats (triglycerides) into small components. By inhibiting the enzyme, the splitting of the … Fat Blocker

Side effects of fat blockers | Fat Blocker

Side effects of fat blockers The adverse effects of Orlistat include abdominal pain, increased stool discharge, fecal incontinence, flatulence, pain in the rectum, discomfort in the teeth and gums, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, urinary tract infections (cystitis), kidney damage due to crystal deposition, respiratory tract infections, flu and menstrual problems. Interactions of fat blockers Orlistat can … Side effects of fat blockers | Fat Blocker

Dosage | Fat Blocker

Dosage One capsule of Orlistat 120 mg should be taken 3 times daily immediately before, during or within one hour after the main meal. If a meal is skipped or is fat-free, no capsule should be taken. Already 24-48 hours after the beginning of the therapy an increased fat excretion with the stool occurs. Price … Dosage | Fat Blocker

Measles (Morbilli): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of morbilli (measles). Family history What is the current health status of your relatives? Social anamnesis Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). Have you noticed any symptoms such as fever and signs of a cold? Have you noticed a skin or … Measles (Morbilli): Medical History

Testicular Swelling: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99). Epidermal cyst* (epidermal cyst) – bulging elastic skin nodule resulting from retention of horny and sebaceous masses, of various genesis (traumatic, inflammatory, naevoid). Cardiovascular system (I00-I99). Elephantiasis* – irreversible thickening/hardening of the skin with massive fluid retention. Congestive heart failure or decompensated heart failure* (heart failure). Thrombosis of the inferior vena … Testicular Swelling: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Testicular Swelling: Test and Diagnosis

2nd order laboratory parameters – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification Small blood count Inflammatory parameters – CRP (C-reactive protein). Urine status (rapid test for: pH, leukocytes, nitrite, protein, blood), sediment, if necessary urine culture (pathogen detection and resistogram, that is, testing suitable antibiotics for sensitivity … Testicular Swelling: Test and Diagnosis

How do I become thin with medication? | How do I become thin?

How do I become thin with medication? Again and again, alleged miracle pills that promise quick success also appear in advertising. Usually these means work over the fact that the fat taken up with the food is bound in the intestine and thus again excreted. Another approach is supposed to block the feeling of hunger … How do I become thin with medication? | How do I become thin?