Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Aphtae are defects on mucous membranes, which mostly occur in the mouth. More rarely, aphthae are also formed in the genital area. The painful vesicles are surrounded by a reddening, as they cause inflammation at the appropriate place. The reason for their occurrence is still unclear. In many cases, however, there is a connection to … Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: WALA® Oral Balm liquid is a mixture of different active ingredients. These include, among others, effect: WALA® Oral Balsam liquid has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can relieve existing pain and regenerate the mucous membrane. It is intended for use in the mouth. Dosage: The Mouth Balm can … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

The palate

Definition The palate is the structure between oral cavity and nasal cavity. It forms both the roof for the oral cavity and the floor for the nasal cavity. Diseases of the palate Pain in the palate can have many different causes and take on different forms. A precise diagnosis of the occurrence of palatal pain … The palate

Anatomical structures around the palate | The palate

Anatomical structures around the palate The following structures can be distinguished anatomically: The hard and the soft palate The soft palate The palatal tonsils The uvula The palatal arch Palatal Musculature The palate is part of the upper jaw bone (maxilla) and is divided into two sections. The hard palate (Palatum durum) and the soft … Anatomical structures around the palate | The palate

Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

The sublingual gland is the smallest of the three major salivary glands in humans and is located below the tongue. It produces a mixed secretion consisting mainly of mucous, mucoid components. The salivary gland is divided into two sections, the glandula sublingualis major, a contiguous glandular structure, and the glandulae sublinguales minores, smaller glandular packets, … Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

Pain on the tongue

Introduction The tongue is formed by a very mobile interplay of muscle strands in the oral cavity, which serves to crush food, form speech, transport food and perceive taste. But what if this large muscle hurts and causes problems? The oral cavity is a site of many diseases and often a mirror image of the … Pain on the tongue