Home Remedies for Snoring

Snoring not only keeps your partner awake for several hours during the night, but is often a danger to the person snoring. Many people wish that this snoring is simply remedied. For this purpose, they resort to well-known home remedies. But what home remedies are there to reduce snoring? Often, affected people want a quick … Home Remedies for Snoring

Treatment | Sniffles during pregnancy

Treatment Before an expectant mother initiates treatment against rhinitis during pregnancy herself, a doctor should always be consulted. Just because no harmful influence on an unborn child has been proven with some medicines to date, this does not mean that complications can be completely ruled out. For this reason, any intake of medication should be … Treatment | Sniffles during pregnancy

When must a doctor be consulted promptly? | Sniffles during pregnancy

When must a doctor be consulted promptly? If the expectant mother decides to endure the sniffles without drug treatment or if the possible treatment options have already been discussed with a specialist, a doctor does not necessarily have to be consulted. However, certain symptoms or combinations of symptoms can provide an indication of a serious … When must a doctor be consulted promptly? | Sniffles during pregnancy

Sniffles during pregnancy

Synonyms Rhinitis PregnancyRhinitis during pregnancy is usually caused by the same pathogens as in non-pregnant women. Especially bacterial and viral pathogens can lead to flu-like symptoms such as coughing, rhinitis and hoarseness. During pregnancy, however, hormonal changes within the female organism also increase the risk of developing a cold. Many of the affected women simply … Sniffles during pregnancy

Home remedy for snoring | How can snoring be prevented?

Home remedy for snoring There are several home remedies that can help with snoring. Snoring is one of the most common causes of snoring. A steam bath can loosen secretions in the nasopharynx and free the respiratory tract. You can find the continuation of the topic under: Inhalation – How is it done correctly? Snoring … Home remedy for snoring | How can snoring be prevented?

Who benefits from an overpressure mask? | How can snoring be prevented?

Who benefits from an overpressure mask? Overpressure masks are used as part of a CPAP (continuous positive airways pressure) treatment. CPAP therapy is suitable for snorers who also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The positive pressure mask is still considered the gold standard for severe sleep apnea. For pure snoring, therapy with a positive … Who benefits from an overpressure mask? | How can snoring be prevented?

Nosebleeds in children

Introduction Nosebleeds (lat. : epistaxis) in children can often be observed. When blood suddenly drips from the nose and apparently won’t stop, the fear and consternation is not only great for the affected children. In most cases, however, the worry is unfounded and the nosebleed seems to be much more dramatic than it actually is. … Nosebleeds in children