Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment Exercise 1: Starting position is the seat. The back is straight, the cervical spine stretched. The patient should pull his chin inwards, quasi a double chin. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. The “chin-in” movement takes place in the upper cervical spine and causes … Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises with the Flexibar | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises with the Flexibar Exercise for the lumbar spine: Starting position is the active stance. The feet stand firmly on the floor, knees are slightly bent, pelvis is pulled slightly backwards to straighten the lumbar spine, abdominal muscles are tensed, back remains straight, arms that hold the Flexibar are held at chest level with slightly … Exercises with the Flexibar | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises on the Balance-Pad | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises on the Balance-Pad Exercise 1: The patient steps on the Balance Pad with both feet and tries to stand without holding on. If this is successful, one leg is lifted and stretched backwards. Then the leg is pulled forward again at a 90° angle. Do not try to get into a hollow back and … Exercises on the Balance-Pad | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Exercises Targeted stretching and strengthening exercises can improve the stability of the damaged shoulder. Below are some exercises listed, but they should only be performed in consultation with a doctor or therapist for treatment: 1) Strengthening the musclesFor this exercise, put yourself in the push-up position. The knees can lie on the floor. Now alternately … Exercises | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Shoulder instability | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Shoulder instability Shoulder instability means that the shoulder joint is insufficiently stabilized. The humerus can therefore move too much in the joint. In some cases, this can actually cause the humerus to slip out of the joint head (luxation). If an existing shoulder instability remains untreated, arthrosis in the shoulder joint may develop later on. … Shoulder instability | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Summary | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Summary Overall, shoulder instability is a very complex matter that must be treated individually for each patient. Depending on the type and cause of the instability, specific exercises must be chosen and others avoided in order to provide the best possible support for the damaged joint during the healing phase. Surgery is usually necessary when … Summary | Shoulder instability – remedy conservatively

Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Pain in the thoracic spine can be very unpleasant. Physiotherapy can often combat the complaints well. Phyiotherapy/exercises In physiotherapy for complaints in the thoracic spine, a precise diagnosis is first made with the patient, which describes the cause of the complaints and the background to them. An individual and targeted treatment plan is then drawn … Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Further measures | Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine

Further measures In physiotherapy, in addition to active exercises, other measures can be used to treat pain in the thoracic spine. Means from physical therapy are for example the use of heat (fango, red light) or cold.Electrotherapy can also be helpful for pain in the thoracic spine. Massages can relieve acute complaints. Joints with limited … Further measures | Physiotherapy for pain in the thoracic spine