Orthopedics – What is it?

Synonyms in a broader sense Diseases of the postural and locomotor system History The word orthopedics comes from the Greek word “orthos” and means upright walk of the human being. Originally, the word “Orthos” was also used to describe biomechanical aspects such as axes of force. “Pediatrics” is certainly derived from the Greek word “pedas”. … Orthopedics – What is it?

Orthopedics – What is it?

A special approach of our website is that through detailed information you are able to discuss the different therapy options with your attending physician and actively participate in shaping the path of your treatment. It has been scientifically proven that the well-informed patient can show above-average treatment success more often than the averagely informed layman. … Orthopedics – What is it?

Cold and back pain

Introduction Everyone knows the typical symptoms of a cold: the nose runs, the throat scratches and the head hums. But it can also cause back pain. Unfortunately, this is not unusual and, given the high number of colds in Germany, it affects some patients. The back pain is often located in the lower back area … Cold and back pain

ISG Blockade

Synonyms Hypomobility of the sacroiliac joint Cross-iliac joint blockage, ISG blockage, ISG blockage SIG blockage, SIG blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage General information The sacroiliac joint is one of the most therapy-intensive areas of the body affected by pain. 60-80% of the population suffers once in a lifetime from ISG … ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes From a functional point of view, a distinction is made between pelvic vaulting and ISG blockade Pelvic vaulting is actually a normal process when walking. However, if functional disorders occur that are not caused by the ISG, but by the spine, for example, or the upper cervicals, pelvic dislocation can also … Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade