Exercises for heel spurs

A common disease of the foot is the so-called heel spur (calcaneus spur). It affects 10 percent of adults. The most frequent occurrence (prevalence) of the disease is found in women between 40 and 60 years of age. Men are affected less frequently. Heel spurs are non-physiological bone attachments in the area of the calcaneus. … Exercises for heel spurs

Duration | Physiotherapy for heel spurs

Duration The duration of a calcaneal spur depends on various factors, including the type of calcaneal spur, how long it has existed and whether it is treated conservatively or surgically. With conservative treatment, the acute pain can usually be reached within a few days by taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication. However, since this form of … Duration | Physiotherapy for heel spurs

Physiotherapy for heel spurs

Since a heel spur is often caused by permanent incorrect or overloading of the tendon at the calcaneus, in many cases physiotherapeutic treatment can help to get the problems under control. The contents of the physiotherapy are then mainly strengthening and stretching exercises for the affected foot. If the heel spur is caused by shortened … Physiotherapy for heel spurs

Heel spur what is it?

Synonyms calcaneus spur, calcaneus spur, lower heel spur, upper heel spur, dorsal heel spur, fasciitis plantaris Definition heel spur what is it? A heel spur is generally understood to be a bony outgrowth that occurs in the area of the foot and can lead to severe discomfort when walking and even at rest. In principle, … Heel spur what is it?

Morbus Ledderhose

Plantar fascial fibromatosis Definition Ledderhose disease is a benign disease of the connective tissue of the feet. It occurs in the area of the plantar aponeuroses (= Latin term for the tendon plate of the sole of the foot). More precisely, it is a thickening of the deep connective tissue or fascia of the foot. … Morbus Ledderhose