Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Most people associate an intestinal mycosis with a serious disease. However, this assumption is wrong. On the contrary, fungi occur naturally in the intestine even to a small extent. The intestine has a so-called intestinal flora, which consists mainly of bacteria that help digest food. Also a small portion of fungi plays a role here. … Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Fasting – why, effect | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Fasting – why, effect Chamfered is discussed as a possible treatment for a disease caused by an intestinal fungus.The underlying effect is to boost the immune system, which is boosted by the stress that fasting causes to the body. The effect of chamfered, which is called therefore also welfare-chamfered, is however controversial. When chamfered it … Fasting – why, effect | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? The treatment of a disease with intestinal mycosis depends on the severity of the symptoms. However, most of those affected only find out about the intestinal fungus after an examination by a doctor with a stool sample. At this stage, drug therapy … Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

Which homeopathics can help me? Various homeopathics can also be helpful for intestinal mycosis. Fortakehl is a homeopathic remedy that contains a fungus in a weak form. This can activate the body’s immune system to fight the fungus more effectively. The homeopathic remedy can also be used for neurodermatitis and chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. The … Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy against intestinal fungus

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? To lose weight specifically on the stomach, a lot of exercise and a balanced diet are necessary. The so-called “visceral fatty tissue” on the stomach reacts differently to changing eating habits than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is particularly helpful on the stomach if you consume fewer … How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding In the first 6 weeks after the birth you should definitely avoid dieting and starving. Non-nursing mothers often find it more difficult to lose weight after the birth. To lose weight without breastfeeding it helps to change your diet slowly. You should have breakfast every morning, no matter how … Losing weight after pregnancy without breastfeeding | Weight reduction after pregnancy

Can alcohol help you lose weight? | Losing weight and alcohol – how does that go together?

Can alcohol help you lose weight? The question of whether alcohol can help you lose weight is clearly to be answered in the negative. Alcohol has a high glycaemic index. This means that alcohol consumption rapidly increases the blood sugar level, but just as quickly it drops again. This promotes an unfavourable metabolic situation and … Can alcohol help you lose weight? | Losing weight and alcohol – how does that go together?

Ravenous hunger

Ravenous hunger describes the sudden, irrepressible urge to eat large amounts of food quickly. This craving can be indiscriminate, but in many cases it is directed towards the consumption of sweet, salty or fatty foods. Ravenous appetite can be due to a lack of nutrients, but it can also be a sign of physical or … Ravenous hunger