Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Heat therapy is a generic term for various applications in physiotherapy and physical therapy as well as balneotherapy. In general, heat therapy comprises all therapy methods in which heat is applied to the skin in various forms for mostly 20-40 minutes in order to achieve a blood circulation-promoting, metabolism-stimulating and muscle-relaxing effect. Fields of application … Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Fangocur Fangocur is a company based in Gossendorf, Styria, Austria, which manufactures and sells various medical products made from the volcanic Gossendorf healing clay. These include mineral creams and masks, fango packs for home use and healing clay for oral administration. Fangocur Bentomed is dissolved as a powder in water and is said to have … Fangocur | Heat Therapy as Physiotherapy

Water gymnastics

Water gymnastics (aquafitness) includes gymnastic exercises and is practiced in normal swimming pools and also in non-swimmer pools. It is suitable for children, adults and seniors. Even obese people can benefit from aqua gymnastics because fat burning is stimulated. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to do endurance and strength exercises with less … Water gymnastics

Summary | Water gymnastics

Summary Water gymnastics makes it possible to reduce stress on joints, discs, bones and other structures involved. This is crucial, since certain diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc lesions, knee TEPs, hip TEPs, muscle atrophies and many more may not allow normal training on land. In addition, the water buoyancy and water … Summary | Water gymnastics

Vibration plate training

The vibration training is performed on a vibration plate, which is offered by various manufacturers. They differ, for example, in size or in the supplied accessories, but ultimately the following exercises can be performed on most models. The vibration plate is used for static exercises, but also for dynamic exercises that are intended to build … Vibration plate training

Summary | Vibration plate training

Summary Vibration training can be used, for example, to strengthen the muscles of the stomach, buttocks, back and arms. In the case of arthrosis, this can stabilize the joint, which can reduce joint pain. The training can also help to relax and loosen the muscles. A training session of 10 minutes twice a week is … Summary | Vibration plate training