Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Entry into strength training If you start with a strength training you should not overdo it directly, but start with small weights and thus get to know your strength development. Only when you have determined your training level should you start to draw up a training plan. With the training frequency you should also approach … Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions Comparing endurance sports with strength training in terms of weight reduction, the following conclusions can be drawn. Strength training tends to build muscle, whereas endurance training can lead to muscle loss, as some muscles are not or hardly ever used. The movement patterns are too one-sided in endurance sports to … Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? | Double Heart Diet Shake

What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? A 500 gram can of Diet Shake Powder from Doppelherz® with vanilla or chocolate flavor costs between 10 – 12€ in the drugstore, pharmacy or online shops. The Diet Shakes are thus cheaper than the competing products from Almased and Yokebe. One can of protein … What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? | Double Heart Diet Shake

Double Heart Diet Shake

Introduction The diet shake from Doppelherz® is a meal replacement for a weight-controlled diet. It contains high-quality soy and milk protein with a total protein content of 25 grams. The protein content serves to maintain the muscles and bones while simultaneously breaking down fat. A diet shake contains 262 calories, to which vitamins B1, B12, … Double Heart Diet Shake