Pimples in the mouth

Pus pimples in the mouth are a particularly annoying affair, as they are difficult to treat because of their location, and are also relatively painful. Especially when children or babies are affected, the parent suffers as well. But what is meant by pus pimples, how do they develop and what can be done against them? … Pimples in the mouth

Loosen earwax

Earwax (technical term: cerumen or cerumen) is a yellowish-brownish, greasy, bitter secretion which originates from the glands of the external auditory canal. These glands are modified sweat glands and are also called Glandulae ceruminosae or apocrine, tubular bulb glands. They exist in all mammals and serve to cleanse the auditory canal. A moist secretion is … Loosen earwax

Use for coughs | Schüssler Salt No. 19: Cuprum arsenicosum

Use for coughs Taking Cuprum arsenicosum may also help with cough caused by bronchitis or bronchial asthma. The type of cough can reveal whether it is advisable to use this Schüssler salt: Especially convulsive cough attacks accompanied by a strong secretion of the mucous membranes can respond well to treatment with Cuprum arsenicosum. Taking Cuprum … Use for coughs | Schüssler Salt No. 19: Cuprum arsenicosum

Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye | Sebaceous gland on the eye

Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye Blockages of individual sebaceous glands in the eye are usually not noticeable and usually disappear on their own. However, if there are persistent obstructions in the drainage of glandular secretions, this is often manifested by an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, a so-called blepharitis (inflammation of the … Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye | Sebaceous gland on the eye

What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? Nodules on the edge of the eyelid or the sebaceous glands can have various causes. If there is redness and accompanying pain, it may be an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, a so-called barleycorn. If the swelling is rather painless and not reddened, the cause … What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? The nipples are a region of the body with a high density of sebaceous glands. These can become clogged when secretions are abundant. This is usually visible from the outside as a white-yellowish spot in the areola and also forms a small elevation. Similar to … How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? | Sebaceous gland on the eye