How the Soul controls the Body’s Defense Mechanism

Communication between the brain and the immune system takes place, among other things, via hormones such as the stress hormone cortisol. Defense cells also produce messenger substances known as interleukins: they control the activity of the immune system and – if they are present in large quantities in the blood – signal to the brain … How the Soul controls the Body’s Defense Mechanism

Depression in Men

First the nerve-racking meeting in the office, then an accidental jostle on the road and now the cripplingly viscous after-work traffic … suddenly it’s time: man clenches his fists, angrily steps on the gas pedal or yells around for seemingly no reason. When peace-loving men suddenly “snap,” it’s often not just pent-up aggression that’s behind … Depression in Men

Conventional Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Orthodox medicine encompasses all diagnostic and therapeutic measures that correspond to the mental approach of cause and effect and that take place under recognized scientific methods. This is contrasted with alternative medicine and naturopathy, which imputes entrenched thought and work structures to conventional medicine and rejects purely scientific methodology. The term “orthodox medicine” is also … Conventional Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

So that the Beginning with the Baby Succeeds: Tips against Small Aches and Pains

The time after birth is exciting – especially with the first child. And not infrequently, the “newborn” child parents are also particularly worried. Yet the “newborn” on its way into the world needs above all food, love, warmth and lots of physical contact – conditions for which most parents can rely on their natural instincts. … So that the Beginning with the Baby Succeeds: Tips against Small Aches and Pains

Psychosomatics: Origins and Treatment

Sigmund Freud’s explanatory model assumes that unconscious conflicts escape consciousness through repression and then present themselves physically. As a result, the physical symptom becomes a symbol of the psychological conflict. This conversion (psychic becomes physical) often affects the sense organs (blindness, ringing in the ears, dizziness) or the motor system (paralysis, muscle spasms). Max Schur, … Psychosomatics: Origins and Treatment