How to do Proper Foot Care

If you love your feet, you should take care of them. But the supporting pillars of the human body are often neglected. Not only optical impairments such as calluses and fissures are possible consequences, but also more serious damage such as ingrown nails or athlete’s foot. Foot care for diabetics In diabetics and other chronically … How to do Proper Foot Care

Home Remedies for Calluses

Cornea not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to unpleasant discomfort and pain for many affected individuals. Often infections can lead to inflammation, so that for some people a regular treatment of the cornea is inevitable. Here the question arises for these persons, which home remedies can be used for the treatment of a … Home Remedies for Calluses

Personal Hygiene (Body Care): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Most people develop a daily routine of personal hygiene throughout their lives. This process usually begins in childhood and is copied and internalized by parents and other adults. Personal hygiene serves primarily an end in itself, but it also has to do with the social environment. Thus, it equally fulfills various functions, and various types … Personal Hygiene (Body Care): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Home Remedies for Calluses

Calluses, which are flatter than corns, are usually formed on heavily used areas of the foot, such as the heel or ball of the foot, and sometimes on the hands during heavy physical work (such as chopping wood or construction work). They are a protective mechanism with which the skin reacts to recurring strong pressure … Home Remedies for Calluses

Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pedicure is a medical foot care to maintain the health of the skin of the foot with special attention to toenails and calluses. In many cases, it is performed foot care at home under their own direction. Professional foot care by trained professionals is called podiatry. What is pedicure? Pedicure is a medical foot care … Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Effectively Prevent Nail Fungus

If toenails suddenly discolor, thicken and become brittle, there is probably a nail fungus. This fungal disease not only looks unsightly, but not infrequently also causes itching or even pain in the affected areas. Once a nail fungus breaks out, fast action is required. If the fungus is not treated, it may spread and be … Effectively Prevent Nail Fungus

Corn: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hard or soft corn or crow’s eye is a preventable foot condition. Shoes that are too tight, constant friction or chronic pressure cause it. One could call the corn a widespread disease. However, it is not a disease in the true sense of the word. The tendency to orthopedically unsuitable footwear is the actual reason … Corn: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Overview The nail is a cornification product of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin. The curved and approximately 0.5-mm-thick nail plate of the fingernails and toenails rests on the nail bed, which is bounded laterally and proximally by the nail wall, a fold of skin. The nail bed is covered by epithelium (stratum … Nails

Why Our Feet Need Foot Care

What is this: two arcs that form a triangle and consist of 26 parts? Clearly: the foot! This marvel of biomechanics works in tandem to help us walk safely upright, maintain balance, and carry our full weight through life day after day. On average, humans circle the earth four times in the course of their … Why Our Feet Need Foot Care