Effectively Prevent Nail Fungus

If toenails suddenly discolor, thicken and become brittle, there is probably a nail fungus. This fungal disease not only looks unsightly, but not infrequently also causes itching or even pain in the affected areas. Once a nail fungus breaks out, fast action is required. If the fungus is not treated, it may spread and be responsible for the loss of the diseased nails. To prevent it from getting that far in the first place, attention should be paid to thorough prevention.

Nail fungus and the footwear

Nail fungus is a fungal infection of the toenails or fingernails caused by sprout fungi or filamentous fungi. Prevention of nail fungus in the toenail area starts with choosing the right shoes. They should not only fit well and be neither too tight nor too wide, but also be made of a high-quality material. Artificial materials are often not very breathable and promote a warm and humid climate inside. This creates the optimal breeding ground for fungal spores. It is recommended to choose shoes made of leather, breathable fabrics or microfibers, where air circulation is always possible. If your own feet sweat quite a lot, it is important to use several pairs of shoes. This allows the damp shoe to dry first before putting it on again. Further information on what to look for when buying shoes is provided by the German Shoe Institute. The feet should also be exposed to the fresh air barefoot from time to time. This also dries the spaces between the toes. Also the stockings should be selected with consideration with the Vorbeugung against nail mushroom. Never wear stockings on several consecutive days, as possible spores can thus multiply and infect the toenail. Stockings made of cotton are good at absorbing and wicking away moisture from the feet. Synthetic materials, on the other hand, favor a humid environment, which is why they should be left on the shelf.

Nail fungus and daily hygiene

Nail fungus often occurs in elderly people who can no longer manage their daily hygiene on their own. However, it is particularly important to wash the feet and hands regularly and, above all, thoroughly. A mild washing gel should also be used to clean the nails and their sensitive cuticles. Germs and spores, which are located in the skin folds at the edge of the nails, are gently removed by this. It is also worth using a nourishing nail oil, because it gives the nail strength and makes it more resistant to external influences. A washcloth used for the feet should really only be used here. In particular, if symptoms of nail fungus such as inflammation or white streaks on the nail are already apparent, this will prevent the spread of spores.

Nail fungus in the home

High temperatures cause the fungal spores that cause nail fungus to die. Therefore, it is not enough to wash stockings, towels and washcloths at low temperatures. To prevent fungal infection, these everyday items should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. Resistant materials can easily withstand even a boil wash. Washing household textiles is best done not only for the things already mentioned, but also for bed linen and bath mats. Regular washing at high temperatures prevents the spread of spores. The washing machine itself can also promote the proliferation of troublesome fungal spores. If it is only operated at a low temperature, the germs in the residual water do not die off and can possibly be transferred to clothing from wash cycle to wash cycle. It is therefore recommended to occasionally run the washing machine empty on high temperatures. Detergents with bleach or special machine cleaners eliminate even the last spores and germs.

Underlying diseases and the immune system

A nail fungus can certainly be complicated for people with an underlying disease. For example, diabetes mellitus has a favorable effect on diseases of the feet, which is why proper treatment of the disease also prevents a nail fungus. In general, there is a connection between immune deficiency and nail fungus. If the immune system is weakened by stress, illness or psychological problems, fungal spores have an easy time. Especially when the nail fungus has once established itself, there is a high risk of spreading in the case of an immune deficiency.The nail fungus then progresses more quickly and should be treated accordingly. Occasionally, the use of medication is also necessary for this, because secondary diseases such as erysipelas become all the more likely due to an existing nail fungus.

Master everyday situations infection-free

A nail fungus has a hard time when adhering to the points already mentioned. Those who thoroughly deal with hygiene in the household and bathroom, already have a good chance to live permanently without the annoying fungus. However, additional caution is required in special everyday situations A visit to the sauna or swimming pool represents such a situation. Since many people move barefoot in these areas and may have an undetected or neglected nail fungus, there is an increased risk of infection. To prevent nail fungus, always wear good bathing shoes that separate the foot from the bare floor. Disinfecting the feet before leaving the bath or sauna also helps. Taps with disinfectant are therefore found in many facilities and should be used whenever possible.

Risks of infection in the family

If a family member is affected by nail fungus, special care should be taken. Treating the outbreak of infection quickly represents a significant decision for the patient, but does not initially reduce the risk of infection for family members. In such a situation, it is important to wash towels, bed linen, stockings and shoes of the respective person separately and according to the mentioned instructions. Sharing a towel can significantly promote the spread of the fungal disease to a family member. Children should not play with their hands on the bathroom floor in this case. Disinfecting the affected area with a suitable spray significantly reduces the risk of infection. Nail fungus is not a disease that takes hold and worsens immediately upon first contact with the fungal spores. However, neglecting good prevention makes it all the more likely that the spores from the environment will multiply and infect the nail.