Probiotics: Food

Intake recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) are not yet available for probiotics. Foods containing strains of bacteria with probiotic activity, such as lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli). Acidified milk products Tilsit Fermented vegetables Acidified milk/soured milk Mountain cheese Sour cucumbers Buttermilk Cheddar Sauerkraut Sour cream Brie Beet Yogurt Camembert Green beans (lactic acid fermented) … Probiotics: Food

Lithium: Uses, Effects, Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions, Risks

Lithium (Li) is an element from the group of light metals. It occurs in the human body as a trace element. Pharmacologically, it finds application in psychiatry for bipolar disorders (manias). Since it has only a small therapeutic range, poisoning can occur in case of overdose. Excretion is renal (i.e., via the kidneys) and is … Lithium: Uses, Effects, Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions, Risks

Lutein: Functions

In plant organisms, lutein, as an essential component of photosystems, fulfills the functions of light collection and photoprotection, among others. A photosystem consists of an antenna complex or light-collecting complex (light-collecting trap) and a reaction center, and is a collection of proteins and pigment molecules – chlorophylls and carotenoids. It is localized on the inner … Lutein: Functions

Polyarthrosis: Cartilage-Protective Agents (Chondroprotectants)

Chondroprotectants inhibit cartilage-degrading substances and thus reduce further loss of protective cartilage. At the same time, they promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Furthermore, they are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result, there is a reduction in pain, swelling and improved joint mobility. The greatest success is achieved by injecting chondroprotectants directly … Polyarthrosis: Cartilage-Protective Agents (Chondroprotectants)

Tendonitis (Tenosynovitis): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) In tenosynovitis, inflammatory changes occur in the tendon sheath area. Etiology (causes) Biographic causes Hormonal factors Hormonal imbalance (menopause, oral contraceptives (“the pill”), pregnancy, lactation). Behavioral causes Chronic overuse of the joint Causes due to disease Gout (→ tendovaginitis as an expression of chronic gout). Rheumatic diseases Post-traumatic – for example, … Tendonitis (Tenosynovitis): Causes

Peripheral Artery Disease: Micronutrient Therapy

A risk group indicates the possibility that the disease may be associated with the risk of vital nutrient deficiency. The complaint peripheral vascular disease indicates vital nutrient deficiency for: Vitamin D Calcium Within the framework of micronutrient medicine, the following vital substances (micronutrients) are used for prevention: Vitamin B6 Folic acid Vitamin B12 Vitamin E … Peripheral Artery Disease: Micronutrient Therapy

UVB 311 nm Light Therapy

UVB 311 nm light therapy (synonym: narrow spectrum UVB; 311 nm UVB) belongs to the subfield of UVB phototherapy, which in turn is a derivative of light therapy. The method is used primarily in dermatology (the study of skin diseases) for the treatment of psoriasis, where it has achieved great success. Phototherapy is the treatment … UVB 311 nm Light Therapy


9.3 million people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 69 have harmful high levels of alcohol consumption, with the majority of alcohol intake in the form of beer and a smaller proportion in the form of wine, sparkling wine, and spirits. Consequences of alcohol consumption Next to smoking, alcohol is the most important … Alcohol

Semi-essential Amino Acids

Semi-essential (conditionally essential) amino acids can be formed from other amino acids in the body. For example, the synthesis of cysteine is partially possible from the essential (necessary for life) amino acid methionine, and tyrosine can be formed from the essential amino acid phenylalanine. Under certain conditions – e.g., age, growth phase, illness, or physical … Semi-essential Amino Acids


Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a fat-protein complex related to LDL (low-density lipoprotein), that is, ” bad cholesterol,” and is a major component of LDL cholesterol. It also bears a strong resemblance to the structure of plasminogen. Lipoprotein (a) is produced in the liver. It contains the apolipoproteins apo(a) and apo B-100, which are covalently linked … Lipoprotein(a)