Biotin preparations | Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Biotin preparations Vitamin H preparations are available in many different compositions and price ranges. Vitamin H preparations are available in capsule form in drugstores at reasonable prices. Here usually still different Vitamine and mineral materials are contained like for example zinc, iron or also Pantothensäure additionally. Also in the pharmacy these Vitamin preparations are to … Biotin preparations | Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Vitamin B3 – Niacin

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Niacin is mainly found in fish and coffee beans. It is interesting that a modified form of niacin can be produced from the essential amino acid tryptophan (essential means that the body cannot produce it itself and must therefore absorb it with food), but in too small amounts, so … Vitamin B3 – Niacin

Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Pyridoxine is also very common, especially abundant in liver, pork and chicken, nuts, fish, vegetables and brewer’s yeast. Pyridoxine occurs in various forms, all of which have in common the pyridine ring (contains a nitrogen atom), which is substituted in some places (i.e. to which different groups are attached). … Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Symptoms of deficiency | Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Symptoms of deficiency They are very unspecific due to the frequent occurrence of PALP and rarely occur due to the abundant presence of pyridoxine. Symptoms can be neurological disorders (since many of the decarboxylation products of the amino acids are neurotransmitters in the nervous system), depression (possibly due to the lack of serotonin and norepinephrine … Symptoms of deficiency | Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Vitamin B Complex

What does the vitamin B complex contain? The vitamin B complex includes a total of 8 vitamins. There is no chemical or pharmacological similarity between these 8 vitamins, but they are all important regulators in human metabolism. Vitamin B1 is thiamine, which in a deficiency situation can lead to the disease beri beri. The daily … Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex in the form of high-dose ampoules | Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex in the form of high-dose ampoules Vitamin B products are now also available in pharmacies and drugstores. For therapeutic purposes the vitamins are usually available in higher doses. These are often ampoules which have to be injected intramuscularly, i.e. into the muscle, once a day or several times a week. This should … Vitamin B complex in the form of high-dose ampoules | Vitamin B Complex


History The word “vitamin” goes back to a Polish biochemist named Casimir Funk, which was created in 1912 during intensive research into the vitamin deficiency disease beri-beri. Casimir Funk constructed the term “vitamin” from “vita”, which means life and “amine”, since the isolated compound was an amine, i.e. a nitrogenous compound. However, it later became … Vitamins

Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency | Vitamins

Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 is found mainly in wheat germs, fresh sunflower seeds, soybeans and whole grain cereals. A vitamin B1 deficiency is usually due to malnutrition. In developing countries the typical thiamine deficiency disease beri-beri, caused by the consumption of husked rice, occurs. Symptoms of vitamin B1 … Occurrence and main symptoms of deficiency | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement The vitamin requirement depends on many factors. Thus play an increased Vitaminbedarf can be caused on stress, physical and mental load, diseases, smoking, pregnancy and quiet time. Age, Gender and living conditions play a decisive role. Vitamins in the banana Bananas are not as rich in vitamins as other types of fruit, but … Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis One speaks of a hypervitaminosis when there is an oversupply of vitamins. This can only occur with the fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K). However, this cannot be achieved by diet. Only dietary supplements and vitamin preparations can be considered. With a balanced and healthy diet, hypervitaminosis is not to be expected. Vitamins … Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins