Pain in the legs

Introduction Pain in the legs can occur in various places and have numerous causes. Since the leg consists of different bones as well as numerous muscles, nerves and vessels, all these structures can be diseased or injured and cause pain. Joint problems in the hip joint or knee joint, bone fractures or circulatory problems are … Pain in the legs

Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Diagnostics In most cases, leg pain is a harmless muscle ache caused by overloading. In this case an exact diagnosis is unnecessary and the pain disappears after a short time. However, if the pain lasts longer, is very severe or one or more joints are swollen, a doctor should examine the leg. The leg should … Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Burning in the leg

Definition – What is meant by burning in the leg? A burning sensation in the leg is often equated with a burning pain. Depending on the cause, this can be located more on the foot and lower leg or in the area of the thigh up to the buttocks. It is not uncommon for burning … Burning in the leg

Varicose veins | Burning in the leg

Varicose veins Varicose veins are superficial leg veins whose vascular walls have been weakened due to excessive strain. In the legs, the blood must be returned to the heart through the veins against gravity. To do this, the veins have small valves that ensure that the blood transported upwards does not follow gravity and flow … Varicose veins | Burning in the leg

Duration | Burning in the leg

Duration The duration of the discomfort from burning in the leg varies greatly depending on the cause of the symptom. Especially nerve conduction disorders are rather protracted diseases. For example, a herniated disc requires extensive physiotherapy and back training, and if necessary (if the disc constricts the spinal cord too much and causes too many … Duration | Burning in the leg

Pancreatic hypofunction

Definition The human pancreas consists of two parts, called exocrine and endocrine. The exocrine part of the pancreas produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate and releases its secretion through an excretory duct into the small intestine. The enzymes are used to break down the nutrients, while the bicarbonate neutralises the stomach acid contained in the food … Pancreatic hypofunction

Symptoms of pancreatic hypofunction | Pancreatic hypofunction

Symptoms of pancreatic hypofunction An endocrine pancreatic hypofunction has very variable symptoms depending on the cause. If the hypofunction is based on the destruction of endocrine cells by autoantibodies (diabetes mellitus type 1), the symptoms often occur suddenly and sometimes develop into a life-threatening situation within hours. Those affected usually complain of outbreaks of sweating, … Symptoms of pancreatic hypofunction | Pancreatic hypofunction

Nutrition in case of pancreatic hypofunction | Pancreatic hypofunction

Nutrition in case of pancreatic hypofunction If you are affected by an endocrine pancreatic hypofunction (diabetes mellitus), the essential nutritional rules result from the therapy plan that you should draw up together with your diabetologist. It goes without saying that the monitoring of carbohydrate intake is particularly important, as this increases the blood sugar level … Nutrition in case of pancreatic hypofunction | Pancreatic hypofunction