
Synonyms in the broadest sense Radiation therapy, tumour therapy, breast cancer Chemotherapy is the drug treatment of a cancerous disease (tumour disease) that affects the entire body (systemic effect). The drugs used are so-called cytostatics (Greek from cyto= cell and static= stop), which aim to destroy or, if this is no longer possible, to reduce … Chemotherapy

Pain in the larynx

Anatomically, the larynx represents the separation between the airways and the entrance to the gastrointestinal tract. During breathing, the entrance to the trachea is closed by the epiglottis. If a person takes in food in the oral cavity, it begins to chew and thus initiates the act of swallowing, the epiglottis closes and lies on … Pain in the larynx

Vocal cord cancer

Definition Cancer of the vocal cords is a malignant tumor disease of the vocal cords and the most common subtype of cancer of the throat (about 2/3). Synonyms are also the glottis carcinoma, the vocal fold carcinoma or the vocal cord carcinoma. Throat cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the ear, … Vocal cord cancer

How is vocal cord cancer diagnosed? | Vocal cord cancer

How is vocal cord cancer diagnosed? The diagnosis can be made in different ways. In the case of particularly advanced growth, the tumors can sometimes be identified by palpation. Another possibility is laryngoscopy. Here, the location and exact size of the tumor can usually be better determined and a tissue sample can be taken to … How is vocal cord cancer diagnosed? | Vocal cord cancer

What are the chances of cure and life expectancy for vocal cord cancer? | Vocal cord cancer

What are the chances of cure and life expectancy for vocal cord cancer? The 5-year survival rate of patients with vocal cord cancer is 90% when the disease was not very advanced. This is usually the case because the early symptoms, such as hoarseness, usually mean that the tumor is detected very early. The mortality … What are the chances of cure and life expectancy for vocal cord cancer? | Vocal cord cancer

Cancer of the vocal fold

Synonyms vocal fold carcinoma, glottis carcinoma, vocal fold CA Definition The vocal fold cancer (vocal fold carcinoma) is a malignant tumor disease of the vocal folds. One of the main signs (symptoms) of the disease is hoarseness. Every hoarseness that lasts longer than three weeks must be examined at the larynx. A laryngoscopy of the … Cancer of the vocal fold

Therapy | Cancer of the vocal fold

Therapy Different stages are distinguished here, depending on size, location and spread into the surrounding tissue. Depending on the stage, different therapeutic methods are used. Basically there are three possible therapeutic approaches: In contrast to chemotherapy, radiotherapy has a somewhat more localized effect due to its targeted application in the affected area. Radiation therapy – … Therapy | Cancer of the vocal fold