How is a learning disability tested? | Learning disabilities in children

How is a learning disability tested? There are different forms of learning disabilities and no single test that proves them. There are standardized test procedures for the most common learning disabilities, dyslexia and dyscalculia. Spelling ability can be tested with the WRT, DRT or HSP, while reading ability can be tested with the ZLT-II or … How is a learning disability tested? | Learning disabilities in children

By which symptoms can a learning disability be recognized? | Learning disabilities in children

By which symptoms can a learning disability be recognized? Treatment and therapy of a learning disability In children, a learning disability leads to a lot of failure. These failures damage the children’s self-confidence. Therefore, it is very important for children with a learning disability to rebuild their self-confidence. Depending on the cause, the treatment can … By which symptoms can a learning disability be recognized? | Learning disabilities in children

Symptoms | Tracheitis

Symptoms Tracheitis can cause a number of different symptoms, which can vary from person to person and can also differ in the severity of their occurrence. Symptoms include coughing, hoarseness, a scratchy feeling in the throat or a burning sensation behind the breastbone. There may also be an altered sound of breathing, the so-called inspiratory … Symptoms | Tracheitis

Prognosis | Tracheitis

Prognosis The prognosis for tracheitis is generally good. Healing of viral tracheitis usually occurs independently within one week. If the symptoms persist for longer than a few days to weeks, the risk of an additional bacterial infection (so-called “superinfection“) increases, so that antibiotics should be administered. If the symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, … Prognosis | Tracheitis


Tracheitis, also known as tracheitis in medical terminology, is a disease of the windpipe (trachea) that can have various causes. Tracheitis is divided into an acute form, called acute tracheitis, and a chronic form. This means that the disease develops slowly and persists for a long period of time, possibly even for a lifetime. Tracheitis … Tracheitis

Complications of heart failure | Symptoms of heart failure

Complications of heart failure A cardiac insufficiency is often accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia. The reason for this lies in the structure and function of the heart: the rhythm and speed of the heartbeat are determined by certain nerves that are directly connected to the heart. A cardiac insufficiency leads to changes in the blood supply … Complications of heart failure | Symptoms of heart failure

Heart failure and blood pressure – What is the connection?

Introduction Heart failure (heart failure) and high blood pressure are mainly diseases affecting the elderly (>50 years). More than half of all people over 50 are affected. However, many people remain unaware of their illness for a long time, as blood pressure often rises slowly over the years, the heart failure develops slowly and the … Heart failure and blood pressure – What is the connection?

Diagnosis of heart failure and blood pressure | Heart failure and blood pressure – What is the connection?

Diagnosis of heart failure and blood pressure A physical examination is performed at the beginning of the diagnosis. During this examination existing valve diseases (narrowing/stenosis or leaking valves/insufficiency) can be detected by heart murmurs. In addition, the lungs are listened to in order to rule out a possible fluid backflow into the lungs. Basic diagnostics … Diagnosis of heart failure and blood pressure | Heart failure and blood pressure – What is the connection?