Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

A hunchback is a false position or malposition of the spine. The thoracic spine is bent too much, so that it arches backwards. Often this also changes the position of our lumbar spine. Here we usually find an increased hollow back. In technical terminology, increased flexion is referred to as increased kyphosis and hollow back … Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes A hunchback can be caused by changes in the vertebrae due to certain diseases such as osteoporosis, Bechterew’s disease or Scheuermann’s disease, but also long-term bad posture in everyday life or heavy loads such as heavy lifting in front of the body can promote a hunchback. This leads to a change in the … Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Exercises against abdominal fat

Due to a changed lifestyle, frequent sedentary activities, little movement in everyday life and at work, the overweight and abdominal fat in society has increased enormously. Stress has also increased in general, making it even more difficult to get up for sports after a long day at work. Especially during sports, endorphins are released, which … Exercises against abdominal fat

Exercises for hip arthrosis

The following text shows exercises for the hip muscles that you can perform. It is important that you practice only in the pain-free area. The warm-up exercises can be done for 2-3 minutes each and should not take longer than 10 minutes. Repeat the strength exercises 8-15 times and bring in 2-3 series. You can … Exercises for hip arthrosis

Home Remedies for Inner Restlessness

With inner restlessness almost everyone has to fight at some point. Often, those affected simply do not know where this feeling comes from and what can be done about it. However, there are definitely some remedies that can help quickly and effectively against it. What helps against inner restlessness? Take time and engage with yourself, … Home Remedies for Inner Restlessness

Physiotherapy for a hunchback

A hunchback describes a back that is strongly arched backwards. The human spine consists of the cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Each of these sections has its own natural curvature. The cervical and lumbar spine naturally curves slightly forward (lordosis) and the thoracic spine curves slightly backward (kyphosis). A hunchback is present as … Physiotherapy for a hunchback