Which devices and equipment should I buy? | Back training at home

Which devices and equipment should I buy?

In order to do a targeted back training, you need less equipment and aids than you think. Of course, you can buy a training station with which you can perform five to ten different exercises. However, not everyone has the financial means to invest so much money.

Alternatively, you can use a few items that everyone has at home. Water bottles, cushions and edges of sofas or chairs can be used to train the neck, shoulder back and triceps. If you want to spend a little money, you can buy a theraband (different strength colors available), dumbbells and a sling trainer.

For these training devices usually only a few euros are needed as costs. Especially the Theraband is a very versatile training device. It has the huge advantage that it covers all levels of ability and so everyone, no matter if beginner or professional, can train with it.

Furthermore, it is very easy to take with you when travelling, because it takes up hardly any space. Two dumbbells with differently heavy weight plates are also still well suited for back training at home. If you only want to train with your own body weight, a sling trainer (TRX) is the best choice.

Which exercises can I do at home without equipment?

Of course, there are also many exercises for back training at home that can be done without any aids. A small selection of exercises is presented here: You can find more exercises in our matching article: Back training without equipment

  • Forearm support: A simple static exercise is the forearm support, which strengthens the back and the entire torso. The support position can be held three times as long as possible.

    As a more difficult alternative, the arms and legs can be lifted off the floor one by one, alternating briefly.Thus the back extender is stressed even more.

  • Bridging/Pelvis Lift: Bridging or pelvis lift are two names for the same exercise. The starting position is the supine position with both feet on the floor. From this position the pelvis is then lifted as far upwards as possible.

    Especially the lower back is stressed during this exercise. In the “bridge position”, the right and left leg can be lifted up before the pelvis is lowered again towards the floor. The diagonal extension begins in the quadruped position, with wrists positioned under the shoulders and knees under the hip joints.

    From this position, the left leg and right arm are simultaneously extended backwards and forwards. After stretching, the movement is reversed and knees and elbows of the opposite joints touch under the body. Now the movement starts from the front.

    After 15 repetitions there is a change of sides. In total, both sides should be exercised three times.

  • Super-Man: The Super-Man is a similar exercise. This time the user is lying on his stomach on the floor or a mat.

    The legs are laid loosely backwards and the arms are at the side of the head. The view goes down into the mat. Now legs or arms, or legs and arms can be lifted and held. Further movements for arms and legs can be added. Circular movements, opening and closing movements and vertical movements of the extremities can be built in.