Enzymes | Laboratory values


Especially the transaminases alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are crucial. In case of cell damage in the liver, these enzymes are released from the cells and can thus be a sign of liver inflammation, liver tumor or alcohol abuse. The values for ALT should be below 23 U/l and for AST below 19 U/l at room temperature.Glutamate dehydrogenase is also one of the liver-specific enzymes.

Elevated levels are found above all in severe liver inflammations, poisoning or liver carcinomas. The most important pancreatic enzymes are lipase, amylase and elastase. These are often used as indicators in suspected cases of acute pancreatic inflammation, as the enzyme concentration in the blood is elevated in such cases.

Low values, on the other hand, indicate a functional impairment of the pancreas, which can also be caused by a chronic inflammation of the pancreas. Standard values are below 60 U/l for lipase and below 53 U/l for amylase. This topic might also be of interest to you:

  • Amylase
  • Lipase value
  • Elastase

Coagulation values

The INR (Internationali Normailized Ratio) and the Quick value also known as thromboplastin time, give exclusion over the duration of blood clotting and disturbances of the extrinsic pathway (one of the two active forms of blood clotting). Slowed clotting may be caused by a vitamin K deficiency or liver damage. Among other things, coagulation factors are produced in the liver.

The quick value is given in percent and should be between 70 and 100%. The INR should be around 1 and is uniform. The Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) is a way to measure the second activation pathway of clotting – the intrinsic pathway. If this time is prolonged, it can be a sign of hemophilia or other diseases with impaired coagulation. The PTT should be 26-36 seconds.

Small blood count

The erythrocytes (red blood cells), hemoglobin and hematocrit are examined in the small blood count. The number of erythrocytes should be between 4.3 to 5.2 million/μl for women and 4.8-5.9 million for men.μl. If the number of erythrocytes is reduced, anemia may be present due to either blood loss or iron deficiency.

An increase can be caused by stress, lack of oxygen or lack of fluids. Hemoglobin is the red dye of the erythrocytes, which is also responsible for oxygen binding. A deficiency can also be related to iron deficiency.

As a rule, the value should be 12-16 g/dl for women and 14-18 g/dl for men. The hematocrit is defined as the proportion of erythrocytes in the total blood and should be 37-47% for women and 40-54% for men. The percentage is increased in cases of dehydration and smokers.

In pregnant women and blood loss, on the other hand, the percentage is lower. The leukocytes (white blood cells) are also examined in the small blood count. They are an important parameter for inflammation, as they are part of the immune system and in this case are found in increased numbers in the blood.

However, they are a non-specific indicator of inflammation. They can also be elevated in allergies and gout, but the values are most serious in leukemia. Decreased values occur in viral infections.

The standard value is 4-10 thousand / μl. Platelets are important for wound healing and blood clotting. A reduced number of platelets can lead to increased bleeding, as blood clotting is disturbed. 150-400 thousand/μl is the normal number.