When is it allowed to do sports again after the ringlets? | Ring rubella

When is it allowed to do sports again after the ringlets?

Since the clinical symptoms of rubella vary greatly among the patients, it is not possible to make a general statement about when exactly one should start exercising again. In principle, one should take it easy for 1-2 weeks after the fever and give the body time to regenerate. In case of anemia, it is advisable to slowly get used to physical activity again and not to overexert oneself. In the case of severe anemia, blood tests should be performed and the doctor should be consulted individually to determine when it is advisable to resume physical activity.

The special features of the baby

In principle, an infection with rubella is harmless and not very detrimental to the patient’s general condition. Even babies or toddlers often show only slight health abnormalities and a milder course than adults. However, complications for an unborn baby are feared if the pregnant mother becomes infected with the rubella virus.

In almost every third pregnancy the mother transmits the virus to the child and can thus cause damage to the blood cells with subsequent anaemia. Between the 13th and 20th week of pregnancy, the risk of the child developing Hydrops fetalis is particularly high, i.e. an accumulation of fluid in the cavities of the fetal body. Further complications can be an inflammation of the heart or a resulting cardiac insufficiency.

In the worst case, the unborn child can die from infection with the virus. For regular check-ups, the pregnant woman must undergo ultrasound examinations at short intervals. A causal therapy does not exist, but in cases of severe anemia a blood transfusion via the umbilical cord can be performed.

When is a child allowed back in kindergarten?

Ringel rubella are only contagious until the characteristic rash breaks out. If a child feels ill and shows an increased temperature, he or she should not go to kindergarten anyway. This is usually the case at the stage of illness when no rash has yet appeared. If a rash then breaks out, the other children can no longer be infected and staying away from kindergarten has no advantages. Since rubella is dangerous for unborn children, only those women who have protection against rubella are allowed to work in kindergartens.