Does an enema help with constipation during pregnancy? | Constipation during pregnancy

Does an enema help with constipation during pregnancy?

Enema in the classical sense is out of the question during pregnancy, except in the context of birth preparation. However, there are mini enemas that only affect the rectum. An example of this is Microklist.

It can be purchased over the counter at the pharmacy. After inserting the mini-tube into the anus and dispensing the drug, it acts directly on the stool. There is therefore no risk to the unborn child.Nevertheless, such a small enema should only be used if the other variants mentioned above have not helped. If the symptoms are very severe and need to be remedied quickly, it can also be used early on. However, regular use should be avoided.


Constipation during pregnancy can sometimes appear throughout the pregnancy. So women often have to deal with them throughout the pregnancy. This makes it all the more important to take countermeasures as early as possible, with nutrition, drinking and physical exercise playing an essential role. After pregnancy, the constipation symptoms often disappear completely. However, they can occur again in the same way in a second pregnancy.

Is pushing dangerous for the baby?

Strong pressing with hard bowel movements and constipation does not pose a risk to the child. However, it is associated with other complications in the expectant mother such as hemorrhoids, anal venous thrombosis or anal fissures, so constipation should be treated during pregnancy.