Course of disease | A blood clot in the head

Course of disease

The course of the disease is individual. How long one stays in hospital after successful therapy depends strongly on the general condition of the patient and his or her regeneration. Rehabilitation treatment usually follows.

Here, various disciplines work together to make the patient fit for everyday life again. Physiotherapists and occupational therapists work together on movement and coordination skills, speech therapists help with speech and swallowing disorders. The main goal of this treatment is to send the patient back to his familiar surroundings as independently as possible. Psychological support is another important point of treatment in rehabilitation, as many patients tend to become depressed after a stroke. All in all, treatment in the rehabilitation clinic takes between 4-6 weeks.


The localization of the blood clot and the duration of the resulting reduced blood supply to the brain area are decisive for the prognosis and the course of the disease. About 20% of all patients with a blood clot in the head die within the first four weeks. In half of all patients, irreversible damage remains after a stroke, which can lead to the need for care and severe disability.

In general, the less brain mass is damaged, the better the prognosis. Therefore, the most important factor in the therapy of a blood clot in the head is always time, because “time is brain“, the earlier the blood supply can be restored, the less brain mass is damaged and the more slightly damaged brain mass can recover.