Diagnosis | Rotational vertigo while lying down


In most cases, the diagnosis of rotational vertigo is made purely clinically on the basis of the symptoms and accompanying circumstances described. In many cases there are harmless causes that do not require further diagnosis. A blood pressure measurement can reveal a low blood pressure.

A sporadic fluctuation in blood pressure, which occurs only at certain times, may need to be further investigated with a 24-hour blood pressure measurement. For the clarification of metabolic diseases or diseases of the blood count, a blood test can be connected if necessary. Rarer diseases may still require more specialized diagnostic procedures. In particular, specific tests and radiological imaging can be used to diagnose diseases of the vestibular organ.

Accompanying symptoms

Depending on the underlying cause of the rotary vertigo, numerous other symptoms may follow.It is not uncommon to experience dizziness with fatigue, exhaustion, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Rarely, however, water retention in the legs, as well as shortness of breath and blurred vision may occur. All these are unspecific symptoms that indicate circulatory problems and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A rare but alarming symptom is fainting. In these cases, a medical clarification should be carried out urgently. More rarely, metabolic diseases are behind the rotary vertigo, which cause other specific symptoms such as trembling, thirst, weight fluctuations, frequent urination and numerous other complaints.


The treatment of rotational vertigo while lying down must be made dependent on the severity of the symptoms and the underlying disease. As a rule, vertigo rarely requires medical treatment. Important general measures to ensure a stable circulation are an adequate fluid intake, sufficient sleep, regular moderate physical activity and regular meals.

Certain medications and stimulants should also be reduced if possible, if they have a negative effect on vertigo. Fainting spells should not occur under any circumstances under these measures, occasional dizzy spells can occur occasionally even despite these measures during more strenuous activities, fatigue, thirst or hunger. If there are more serious diseases of the cardiovascular system behind them, they must be treated causally under medical supervision.

In general, particularly severe or long-lasting complaints should be clarified by a physician for certain diseases. Occasional physiotherapy can be prescribed additionally by a doctor. They support the circulatory function and can also help with a cervical spine syndrome as the cause of rotational vertigo. Rare diseases of the vestibular organ in turn require medical therapy, which may include medication or even surgery.