Do side effects occur during the car diet? | Car Diet

Do side effects occur during the car diet?

Since the coal hydrate supply is still sufficiently high with this Di?t altogether, negative concomitant phenomena such as lack of strength, concentration weakness and cycle problems arise rather less. Only in the evening the sporty efficiency can be limited. Metabolic disorders can be prevented if a sufficient supply of healthy fats is provided during the evening meal. In addition, attacks of ravenous appetite are intercepted by the snacks in the afternoon. With a balanced diet, fluid intake and coverage of all macro- and micronutrients, the risk of nutritional deficits is low with this diet.

Criticism of the KFZ diet

Those who follow a balanced diet can achieve a healthy and long-term weight loss. However, one should not feast on one’s energy requirements to one’s heart‘s content, because a calorie deficit is the only way to achieve a successful weight loss. In general, the form of diet must suit the user, so if you need a lot of energy and stamina in the evening, you may suffer from carbohydrate deprivation. In addition, in addition to diet, exercise and sporting activities should also be emphasized if a healthy weight loss and a strong, efficient body is desired.

What are the risks of a car diet?

When carried out correctly and balanced, the car diet poses few health risks, as all essential nutrients are supplied. Particular attention should be paid to the intake of sufficient protein and simultaneous irritation through training, otherwise the weight loss is accompanied by a loss of muscle mass. Fats should also be taken in as part of the diet. Sufficient supply of vitamins and fiber as well as trace elements ensure salad, vegetables, legumes and nuts.

Where can I find good recipes for the car diet?

Due to the numerous foods allowed in the diet, you will find many recipes for the car diet. There are guidebooks on the subject, and recipes can also be found on the Internet. Also over the keywords Low Fat, High Carb with breakfast and lunch as well as Low Carb with dinner some recipes can be found. Also own recipes can be modified as long as you follow the principles of the car diet.Besides there are liable to pay the costs seminars, with which participants are trained to the topic nutrition after the KFZ Diät.