Endorphins in depressions | Endorphins

Endorphins in depressions

Depression is usually dependent on many different factors. The diet can play a major role. The brain needs many high-quality nutrients.

If there is a lack of these, it is reflected in the typical signs such as tiredness, laziness, irritability and listlessness. In order to counteract depression, the body’s own reservoir of endorphins must be restored in order to create feelings of happiness and euphoria in those affected. On the one hand, this can be achieved through a lot of sport and healthy food, on the other hand through social contacts, rewards and a lot of laughter.


It is a well-known saying that chocolate makes you happy. The reason for this assumption is that chocolate can release endorphins in the brain which have a euphoric effect. Still from childhood memories chocolate is positively associated and represents a kind of reward, which in turn promotes the production of endorphins.