Is an inflamed mole a sign of cancer? | Inflammation of a birthmark

Is an inflamed mole a sign of cancer? In general, two large groups of skin cancer can be distinguished. The white skin cancer and the black skin cancer. The white skin cancer is the so-called basalioma. The basal cell carcinoma is caused by frequent and high levels of sunlight over the course of one’s lifetime, … Is an inflamed mole a sign of cancer? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? A reddened birthmark can also indicate an inflammation. Here, too, changes in the birthmark must be taken into consideration. How do I distinguish an inflamed mole from a pimple? A birthmark is usually colored. There are different colors of a birthmark, usually they are brown. A … What does it mean when the birthmark is reddened? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What should you do if the birthmark is festering? | Inflammation of a birthmark

What should you do if the birthmark is festering? Also the suppurating birthmark is usually an expression of an inflamed birthmark. The pus consists of white blood cells that eliminate the germs in the wound. It is important that under no circumstances should the birthmark be manipulated. This means that no attempt should be made … What should you do if the birthmark is festering? | Inflammation of a birthmark

Summary | Inflammation of a birthmark

Summary Inflammation of moles can have different causes. On the one hand, pathogens, for example skin germs, can enter the inside of the birthmark through the smallest cracks and wounds, which may be caused by scratching, and cause an inflammation there. In general, such an inflammation manifests itself through swelling and reddening of the birthmark, … Summary | Inflammation of a birthmark

How can I see for myself if it is dangerous? | Mole bleeds – How dangerous is that?

How can I see for myself if it is dangerous? It is not always easy to tell whether a mole is benign or malignant. For dermatologists, it is often necessary to assess the course of the mole over a certain period of time in order to detect malignant changes. The appearance of the mole cannot … How can I see for myself if it is dangerous? | Mole bleeds – How dangerous is that?


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: nevus Liver spot Spindernävus Melon Skin changes Definition birthmark A nevus (birthmark) is a benign skin change. Usually this is well described. This malformation of the skin can have different causes. With these nevi (plural of nevus) one can determine different origins. Some of these spot-like phenomena originate from … Birthmark

Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Birthmark hurts A birthmark normally causes no pain. If pain or itching occurs, a malignant degeneration should be clarified according to the A-B-C-D-E rule (asymmetry, limitation, colorization, diameter and development). In addition to pain, itching, bleeding, scaling, or tingling may also be symptomatic and should be examined by a dermatologist. Although melanoma is not necessarily … Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Prophylaxis | Birthmark

Prophylaxis Since an intensive UV irradiation promotes the degeneration of harmless birthmarks, it should be avoided to stay excessively long and often in the sun. Especially sunburns suffered in childhood promote and increase the risk of developing a malignant melanoma. Moles should be observed in any case. Not only color and structural changes but also … Prophylaxis | Birthmark