Delta-shaped muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus deltoideus English: deltoid muscle Synergists: M. pectoralis major, M. biceps brachii, M. latissiums dorsi, M. triceps brachii Antagonists: M. latissimus dorsi, M. triceps brachii, M. pectoralis major, M. biceps brachii Definition The delta-shaped muscle is an upper arm muscle, which in its shape is reminiscent of an inverted Greek delta and hence … Delta-shaped muscle

Delta muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. deltoideusThe shoulder forms a large, three-sided muscle about 2 cm thick. The shape of the deltoid muscle is similar to the shape of the upside-down Greek delta, which gives it its name. The muscle consists of three parts: The anterior deltoid originates from the clavicle, the middle and posterior part from the … Delta muscle

Function | Delta muscle

Function The deltoid muscle (Musculus deltoideus) becomes the most important lifter of the arm through the middle section coming from the shoulder blade. The deltoid muscle allows the arm to move in all directions (dimensions). Key blade portion (pars clavicularis): Shoulder roof portion (pars acromialis): Rear portion (pars spinalis): Information on all movement forms can … Function | Delta muscle

Motorized end plate

Definition The motor endplate (neuromuscular endplate) is a chemical synapse that can transmit electrical excitation from the end of a nerve cell to a muscle fiber. Task of the motorized end plate The task of the motor end plate is to transmit excitation, i.e. an action potential that has been conducted through the nerve fiber, … Motorized end plate

Upper bone muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. supraspinatusThe upper bone muscle has a triangular shape, up to 2 cm thick. The supraspinatus muscle has its origin in the upper bony fossa of the shoulder blade. Back musculature overview To the musculature overview Approach/origin/innervation Base: Facet of the upper, large humerus (Tuberculum majus humeri) Origin: Superficial fossa of the scapula … Upper bone muscle

Tailor Muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. sartorius To the thigh musculature overview To the musculature overview Introduction The Tailor muscle (Musculus sartorius) belongs to the group of front thigh muscles. It is about 50 cm long and wraps itself helically around the quadriceps. The muscle has functions in both the hip joint and the knee joint. The force … Tailor Muscle

Ilium-rib muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus iliocostalis English: iliocostal muscle Synergists: Musculus latissimus dorsi Antagonists: Musculus sternocleidomastoideus, Musculus longus colli, longus capitis Definition The iliocostalis muscle (iliac-rib muscle) is a muscle that belongs to the autochthonous back muscles. It is located above the transverse processes (epaxial) and lateral to the longissimus muscle. It is located in the lateral … Ilium-rib muscle

Striated Musculature

Definition of striated musculature Transverse striated muscle is the name given to a certain type of muscle tissue because under polarizing light (for example, a simple light microscope) it looks as if the individual muscle fiber cells have regular transverse striation. Normally, the term is used synonymously for skeletal musculature, since this type of tissue … Striated Musculature

Excitation of the striated musculature | Striated Musculature

Excitation of the striated musculature An important feature of the striated muscles, precisely to distinguish them from the smooth muscles and the heart muscles, is that they are subject to our arbitrary control. ́Quergestreifte Muscles can be consciously tensed or relaxed by us. They are reached by motor nerve fibers, at the end of which … Excitation of the striated musculature | Striated Musculature