Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Associated symptoms The main symptom of burning in the neck is localized pain. For many superficial complaints such as skin, muscle or fascial disorders, the pain can be intensified by external pressure. Movements such as rotations and the straightening of the neck, but also breathing movements and activities such as driving a car or bicycle … Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Diagnosis | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Diagnosis The diagnosis is first made by taking a medical history followed by a physical examination. Muscle tension can often be detected by inspecting the relieving postures and palpating the tense and hardened muscles. Acute complaints of the vertebral bodies or intervertebral discs must also be confirmed by radiological imaging. In the case of potential … Diagnosis | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Exercises for back pain during pregnancy | Exercises for back pain

Exercises for back pain during pregnancy But back pain also occurs for other reasons than just weakened muscles or incorrect posture. Pregnant women often complain of back pain that increases over the course of nine months. Small tips and exercises can effectively fight back pain that occurs during this time and strengthen the back. Simple … Exercises for back pain during pregnancy | Exercises for back pain

Pulling in the back

Introduction A pulling in the back is a generally very common symptom. Almost everyone has felt such a pulling from adolescence on and it should not give immediate cause for concern. Often the pain subsides by itself and does not require treatment. Depending on the intensity and duration of the pain, it may be advisable … Pulling in the back

Prophylaxis | Pulling in the back

Prophylaxis Nearly all pulling back pain could be prevented in advance with an increased muscle development of the deep “autochthonous” back muscles. Posture also has an influence on back pain. Thus one should more often consciously pay attention to stand up straight and stretch the back. However, if you specifically train your back, it is … Prophylaxis | Pulling in the back

Neck tensions

Introduction Neck tensions show up as persistent pain caused by increased basic tension (muscle tone) of the neck muscles. These often become stronger during movements, although they do not subside completely even when at rest. The trapezius muscle is often affected, one of the most prominent muscles in the neck, which extends from the underside … Neck tensions

Symptoms | Neck tensions

Symptoms Initially, patients with tense neck muscles feel a mostly local pressure on the corresponding muscle areas. If this does not lead to a relaxation of the muscles, a hardening of the muscles soon develops, which can also then affect the surrounding nerve tracts. This leads to moderate to severe pain. The pain is described … Symptoms | Neck tensions