Hearing Loss: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hearing loss usually occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Usually, one ear is then affected by the hearing loss. The signs of this condition are hearing loss or even deafness, dizziness and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). The causes are circulatory disorders, which can be triggered mainly by stress and smoking.

What is a hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a disease in which the affected person suddenly hears either nothing or very little. The extent can be quite different and range from only slightly reduced hearing to complete deafness. In most cases, only one ear is affected; it is rare for both ears to be deaf. Accompanying symptoms such as ringing in the ears or a dull feeling in the ear are not uncommon with this disease. About 30 percent of patients also experience dizziness. In Germany, about 16,000 people suffer from a hearing loss every year, making this one of the most common ear diseases. Incidentally, people between the ages of 50 and 60 are most frequently affected. In children, on the other hand, this disease is rather rare. In most cases, however, hearing returns on its own within 24 hours.


The most common cause of a hearing loss is thought to be a circulatory disorder of the inner ear. In this inner ear are the so-called hair cells, which are responsible for hearing. These send sounds via the auditory nerve to the auditory center in the human brain. Small blood vessels are responsible for supplying oxygen and nutrients to these hair cells. However, if these are not supplied with sufficient blood, the hair cells are also impaired in their function and a hearing loss can be the result. Small blood clots are often responsible for this condition. Since these are similar to the blood clots in a heart attack, they are also referred to as inner ear infarctions. Among other things, increased blood lipid levels can lead to such blood clots, and excessive consumption of nicotine can also naturally lead to a hearing loss in this way. Even fluctuations in blood pressure or certain diseases of the human heart not infrequently lead to a hearing loss. In rare cases, tumors trigger this condition.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Hearing loss usually occurs suddenly and is manifested by distinct symptoms. Thus, affected persons perceive a sudden hearing loss, which can extend to deafness. This is accompanied by a dull feeling of pressure in the ear and unusual ringing in the ears. A hearing loss, in which certain sounds are perceived as distorted, can also occur. In most cases, the hearing problems are limited to one ear. As a result of the hearing problems, dizziness, nausea and occasionally vomiting may occur. The hearing loss itself rarely affects the entire hearing ability. Often, those affected perceive only individual pitches less well, while other pitches are perceived as before. Also typical of a hearing loss is so-called double hearing. In this case, the same sound is perceived differently in both ears – in one ear, for example, high-pitched sounds are distorted or tinnitus occurs, while only a slight hearing loss is noticed in the other ear. These hearing problems can have a considerable impact on the quality of life and well-being of those affected. Particularly in the case of prolonged complaints, psychological discomfort, even depression, often sets in. Depending on the cause, other symptoms may occur, for example ear pain, which occurs mainly in connection with arteriosclerosis and coagulation disorders.

Disease progression

Hearing loss usually occurs suddenly and without warning. In most patients, however, the symptoms disappear almost as quickly as they appeared. Nevertheless, a doctor should be consulted at the first signs, since the chances of recovery from this condition are better the earlier treatment is started. If the appropriate therapy is already carried out a few hours after the appearance of the first symptoms, the chances of recovery are still 80 to 90 percent.


Due to a hearing loss, the patient suffers from very severe limitations in the quality of life. There is a very sudden loss of hearing, so that hearing loss or, in the worst case, direct deafness occurs. For many people, the sudden onset causes a panic attack.Furthermore, there are also various noises in the ear, which can lead to sleep disturbances and a general irritability. Sufferers suffer from disturbances in blood circulation, dizziness and stress. As the disease progresses, the patient may also faint and injure themselves. If complete hearing loss occurs in the patient, depressive moods and other psychological complaints may also develop. Young people in particular suffer a great deal from the symptoms of hearing loss. The treatment is carried out with the help of infusions, which stimulate the blood circulation. No further complications occur. However, it cannot be predicted whether the treatment will lead to an improvement of the symptoms. In most cases, however, there is a positive course of the disease without complications. If inflammation has occurred in the ear, antibiotics are usually used against it.

When should you go to the doctor?

If there is a complete hearing loss, that is, one ear or perhaps even both ears are completely deaf, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. It is important to remain calm while doing so, as stress can exacerbate symptoms. If the hearing is only muffled, it is initially sufficient to get some rest, drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcohol and smoking. Most of the time, the symptoms will then subside on their own. If this is not the case or if the symptoms even intensify, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. Even 48 hours after a suspected hearing loss, a visit to the doctor is sufficient, as it is then still treatable. First, a visit to the family doctor is recommended, who will make an initial diagnosis and then refer to an ear, nose and throat specialist if necessary. Often there is no hearing loss, but the ear is clogged by dirt or too much earwax, so that hearing is impaired.

Treatment and therapy

All symptoms that indicate a hearing loss should be treated immediately by a doctor, because the sooner this disease is detected, the better the chances of recovery. On the other hand, if symptoms such as sudden hearing loss, ringing in the ears or dizziness are ignored, the worst case scenario may be deafness, which can no longer be treated. The treating physician will first perform an ear examination, known as otoscopy, to rule out any injuries to the eardrum. Special hearing tests are then used to determine the extent of the hearing loss. The next step in the treatment of hearing loss is to restore sufficient blood flow to the inner ear – this usually involves infusion therapy. For a period of about 14 days, the patient is administered a drug once a day through the veins that thins the blood. Drugs to dilate the blood vessels are also often administered in cases of hearing loss. Cortisone preparations, in turn, help against the inflammation in the ear that occurs during a hearing loss.


Aftercare for hearing loss depends on the severity of the event and its possible consequences. A mild hearing loss that has spontaneously and completely resolved usually requires less aftercare than one that was massive and caused hearing loss or tinnitus. In addition, the causes of the hearing loss are also critical. If stress has been identified as the cause of the hearing loss, the aftercare needs to be different than if there is a lack of fluids. Therefore, aftercare should be specific and ideally discussed with the treating physician, for example the ENT physician, or also a hearing care professional. Drinking sufficient amounts of fluids is always advisable to support blood circulation in the body and the areas affected by the hearing loss. Water and teas are best suited for this purpose. Alcohol and caffeine, especially in large quantities, are not recommended, nor is nicotine. Medications that could be related to hearing loss should be critically examined together with the doctor to determine whether they are necessary. Stress as a trigger of the hearing loss should be reduced step by step in order to prevent a recurrence. Autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen and yoga also help here. If hearing problems are present after the hearing loss, these are best discussed with a qualified hearing care professional.

Here’s what you can do yourself

If a hearing loss is suspected, an ENT physician should be consulted immediately to help prevent permanent damage.Some factors favor this form of the disease, which can be eliminated or at least reduced by the affected persons themselves. These include smoking and any form of stress. Smoking cessation can be achieved with the help of medically supervised therapy if the patient is willing to do so. Reducing stress is often more difficult because several factors interact. First and foremost, it should be checked whether stress is caused by a high level of noise pollution. The next step is to consider whether and how to reduce it. In order to prevent the body from relapsing after the treatment of hearing loss, it is important to strengthen the immune system. This should be done through a healthy lifestyle (abstaining from alcohol and nicotine) and a balanced diet. If the body is sufficiently supplied with minerals and vitamins, it can heal inflammations itself. Those affected should also choose ways to actively reduce stress. Exercises such as yoga or chi gong as well as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen are suitable for this. Courses are offered in sports centers or physiotherapies. The exercises learned can then be incorporated very well into everyday life. In the acute stage, coconut oil can be used as a substitute for a cortisone preparation. This also has an anti-inflammatory effect, but does not cause any undesirable side effects.