Postpartum rehabilitation gymnastics | Recovery gymnastics

Postpartum rehabilitation gymnastics

No postpartum exercise is recommended for the time of the postpartum period. Exercises should be started at the earliest from the sixth week after birth, and even later in the case of a caesarean section. The reason for this is that the birth injuries must first heal and the body must recover from the efforts of pregnancy and birth.

However, there are women who feel able to do something for their body again very soon after the birth. For these women, there are gentle exercises that carefully re-stimulate the pelvic floor and promote muscle building. For example, while sitting or lying down several times a day, the pelvic floor can be tensed for a few seconds and then released again.

Mobilization of the pelvis is also something that can be done well in the postpartum. For this purpose, the pelvis can be bent in all directions and, especially when lying down, care can be taken to press the sacrum and lumbar spine onto the support for a short time in between. This compensates for the hollow back that often develops during pregnancy and mobilizes the vertebrae as well as the sacrum and coccyx. Gymnastics in the puerperium should be used under consideration of the mother’s condition. It is not an absolute must.

Recovery gymnastics with the baby

Many courses for regression gymnastics can also be attended together with the baby. Either there is the possibility of child care or the babies are involved in the exercises. Also at home, various exercises for regression can be done with the baby.

This not only promotes the mother’s muscle development, but also the bond between mother and child. A possible exercise with baby works as follows: The mother lies on her back and puts her legs in front of the pelvis. The baby sits on the mother’s lower abdomen and she holds it with her hands.

Now the mother pulls her navel strongly inwards and breathes out.The bottom is raised until the thighs and back form a straight line. This position is held for a few seconds, then the pelvis is lowered again. This movement sequence is repeated a few times.

Another exercise involving the baby works like the classic ladies push-up. The baby lies on the floor in front of the mother. The mother moves into the ladies push-up position, so she kneels in front of the baby and supports her hands on the right and left side of the baby.

Now she goes down with her upper body far enough to give her baby a kiss and then pushes herself up again. This is repeated several times. One last possible exercise with baby trains especially the abdominal wall.

The mother lies flat on her back and puts her baby on her belly. Then she first breathes out strongly and pulls the navel all the way in. Then she inhales deeply into her belly and pushes the abdominal wall out so that the baby is rocked upwards. Repeat this procedure a few times in a row.