Recovery gymnastics despite renewed pregnancy | Recovery gymnastics

Recovery gymnastics despite renewed pregnancy

If a new pregnancy occurs during the period of regression, the question arises as to whether regression gymnastics can be continued. Pelvic floor exercises should definitely be continued, as a stable pelvic floor is a prerequisite for being able to bear and support the new pregnancy. The training should of course be adapted to the health and general condition of the pregnant woman.

In this case, exercises that put a lot of strain on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. However, adequate pelvic floor training and light endurance training are highly recommended and do not entail any disadvantages or risks for the existing new pregnancy. Swimming, for example, is a suitable light endurance training. If you are unsure, there is always the possibility of consulting an experienced midwife or doctor.

Health insurance benefits

Whether and how many costs the health insurance company covers from a retraining course is very different. Some health insurance companies, for example, cover the costs of up to ten group hours of a retraining course. Under certain circumstances, there is also a claim to full coverage by the health insurance company if you register in good time.

It is often required that the rehabilitation gymnastics is completed within nine months after delivery. You should clarify by telephone whether your health insurance company will cover the costs of the rehabilitation gymnastics. The staff on site can provide information quickly and easily.