Bacterial Meningitis: Prevention

Vaccinations against Haemophilus-influenzae-b (Hib), meningococci (serogroups A, B, C), and pneumococci are important and effective preventive measures.Furthermore, to prevent bacterial meningitis (bacterial meningitis), attention must be paid to reducing risk factors. Behavioral risk factors Listeria meningitis – consumption of contaminated food such as milk or raw meat. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Post-exposure prophylaxis (here because of … Bacterial Meningitis: Prevention

Osteosarcoma: Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development) Osteosarcoma is one of the osseous tumors of bone. It arises from mesenchymal stem cells (mesenchyme = part of embryonic connective tissue) and can differentiate into various forms: bone-forming tumors (osteoblastic), cartilage-forming tumors (chondroblastic), connective tissue tumors (fibroblastic), and others. A characteristic feature of osteosarcoma is that its cells form osteoid (soft, … Osteosarcoma: Causes

Color Vision Disorders

Color vision disorder (synonyms: Color vision disorder; color vision deficiency; ICD-10-GM H53.5: Color vision disorders) refers to color vision deficiency and color blindness to various colors. Color vision disorders include: Achromatopsia or achondroplasia – total color blindness, meaning that no colors can be perceived, only contrasts (light-dark). Deuteranomaly (green deficiency (green cones degenerated); 5%). Deuteranopia … Color Vision Disorders

Pregnancy and Fat Metabolism

The pregnancy-related hormonal factors and changes in liver function lead to hyperlipidemia (increased concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins). All fat fractions in the mother’s organism increase at the beginning of pregnancy. There is an increase in serum lipids and serum cholesterol, which rises continuously within the 14th – 26th week and by the 36th … Pregnancy and Fat Metabolism

Ovarian Cancer: Treatment

General measures Aim for or maintain normal weight!Determine BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition using electrical impedance analysis. BMI ≥ 25 → participation in a medically supervised weight loss program. Falling below the BMI lower limit (from the age of 45: 22; from the age of 55: 23; from the age … Ovarian Cancer: Treatment

Brain, Nerves and Psyche

In industrialized countries, diseases of the cerebrovascular system rank third in mortality statistics after heart disease and cancer. Depression, stress, and anxiety are now considered diseases of civilization and can affect anyone. Doppler sonography uses ultrasound waves to measure the blood flow in the vessels of the human body, thus enabling the diagnosis of vascular … Brain, Nerves and Psyche

Muscle Function Diagnostics

Muscle function diagnostics is used to check the muscle function or muscle strength of individual muscles or even muscle groups. It provides information about damage to peripheral motor nerves, performance and the healing process of functionally or organically damaged muscles. Indications (areas of application) The field of application is very wide; the muscles may be … Muscle Function Diagnostics

Pleural Effusion: Therapy

Therapy for pleural effusion depends on the exact cause. Pleural puncture (see below) is indicated to improve effusion-related symptoms such as dyspnea (shortness of breath) if larger volumes are involved. Furthermore, this is required in the presence of respiratory or cardiac decompensation following extension of the pleural effusion; pleural drainage may also be indicated (indicated). … Pleural Effusion: Therapy

Macro- and Micronutrient Additional Requirements (Vital Substances) in the Breastfeeding Phase

A healthy infant doubles its weight in the first four to six months after birth. An adequate supply of essential nutrients and vital substances is therefore (macro- and micronutrients) of considerable importance for the growth and health of the newborn and also for the maintenance of the mother’s health. Due to the stress of pregnancy, … Macro- and Micronutrient Additional Requirements (Vital Substances) in the Breastfeeding Phase

Anthrax: Signs, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Anthrax (anthrax; thesaurus synonyms: Anthrax contagiosus; Anthrax of the skin; Anthrax of the lungs; Anthrax meningitis; Anthrax pneumonia; Anthrax sepsis; Intestinal anthrax; Febris carbuncularis; Gastrointestinal anthrax; Gastrointestinal anthrax; Hadern’s disease; Cutaneous anthrax; Infection by anthrax bacilli; Inhalation anthrax; Inhalation anthrax; Intestinal anthrax; Intestinal anthrax; Pulmonary anthrax; Anthrax; Respiratory anthrax; Gastrointestinal anthrax; Anthrax fever; Anthrax carbuncle; … Anthrax: Signs, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment