Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Aphtae are defects on mucous membranes, which mostly occur in the mouth. More rarely, aphthae are also formed in the genital area. The painful vesicles are surrounded by a reddening, as they cause inflammation at the appropriate place. The reason for their occurrence is still unclear. In many cases, however, there is a connection to … Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: WALA® Oral Balm liquid is a mixture of different active ingredients. These include, among others, effect: WALA® Oral Balsam liquid has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can relieve existing pain and regenerate the mucous membrane. It is intended for use in the mouth. Dosage: The Mouth Balm can … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for aphthae

Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Acute: Result of eating too much and too heavy food, alcohol consumption Acute inflammation of the stomach lining with morning nausea and vomiting. Alternation between loss of appetite and ravenous hunger. Stomach pain about half an hour after eating, acidic belching, increased flatulence combined with abdominal cramps, futile urge to defecate, often hemorrhoids. Irritable and … Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathics for heartburn | Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathics for heartburn Here also the remedies Arsenicum album, Antimonium crudum and Natrium chloratum are possible. These are already described in detail above. The patients feel weak and complain of an inner tremor and great tiredness. Sensitive to touch. Feeling of cold and weakness in the stomach with acidic belching after eating, bad breath (acidic), … Homeopathics for heartburn | Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathics for diarrhea

Depending on the clinical picture, the body loses considerable amounts of fluid through vomiting and diarrhoea, which can lead to life-threatening circulatory problems. For this reason, self-treatment is generally not advisable in cases of severe and prolonged diarrhoea, especially if vomiting is also present. Diarrhea as a result of spoiled food Characteristic is the great … Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food Irritable, overworked city dwellers who are used to the abuse of stimulants. Hectic life, too much food and drink. Troubled sleep, tired and sleepless in the morning. Loss of appetite and ravenous appetite alternate, feeling of fullness immediately after eating, tendency to vomit, flatulence, diarrhoea. In … Diarrhea after eating too much and too fat-rich food | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief Especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, which get better by squeezing or pressure on the body. The patient is irritated, angry, shows little patience, is quickly offended. Experience shows that all these states of mind affect the stomach and … Diarrhea and digestive problems as a result of anger, rage, insult and grief | Homeopathics for diarrhea

Arsenicum album

Other termf white arsenic Application of Arsenicum album General weakness and emaciation Invalidity Pallor Cold sweat Dry mucous membranes Pain is “burning” Pain is “burning” Dry cough with shortness of breath when lying down Weeping, itching, burning eczema Exacerbation at rest Improvement through heat Great anxiety and fear to the point of death. Effect The … Arsenicum album