Caraway seeds

Carum carvi Chümi, Feldkümmel,Karbei, KümmichThe caraway grows as a herbaceous plant with hollow stems divided by knots. Fiddly leaves with linear pointed leaflets are typical for caraway. The flowers are double umbels, the single flowers are small and white, rarely reddish. When ripe, the fruits disintegrate into two subfruits of curved or sickle-shaped appearance. When … Caraway seeds

Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is an efficient defense mechanism of the body. However, this condition is not perceived positively, because diarrhea rarely announces itself and greatly affects the well-being in unfavorable situations. Various remedies help the intestines to recover. What helps against diarrhea? A tea made from medicinal plants such as psyllium relieves acute diarrhea. Mild to … Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Spotted Hemlock: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a plant known primarily for its toxicity. It goes far beyond the toxic substances of other plants. How poisonous this plant is, shows that in ancient times convicts were executed with a poison cocktail of Conium. The most famous victim is the world-famous philosopher Socrates. Occurrence and cultivation of the … Spotted Hemlock: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Home Remedies for Pain

Pain can significantly affect our daily lives and prevent us from accomplishing our work. However, no person has to endure pain, because there are remedies that can eliminate pain conditions quickly and effectively. Home remedies for pain are good and side-effect-free alternatives to pharmaceutical painkillers. What are the home remedies for pain? Pain can occur … Home Remedies for Pain

Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea can be caused by various causes. A gastrointestinal disease can be as much a trigger as food intolerances, stomach irritation, nervousness or pregnancy. To alleviate nausea, numerous home remedies have proven particularly effective. What helps against nausea? A freshly prepared sage tea has stomach-soothing properties and is therefore a good choice for nausea. Because … Home Remedies for Nausea


Brassica oleracea Kappes, cabbageA description of white cabbage is unnecessary. Cabbage is one of the oldest cultivated plants and widely spread. Only recently has the juice of white cabbage been discovered as a medicine. The cabbage leaves and the juice of the cabbage are used to make medicine. Also a vitamin, also called anti-ulcer factor, … Cabbage

Mountain Laser Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Mountain laser herb is also known as mountain cumin and is found mainly in central and southern European mountains. The herb tastes similar to caraway and fennel and was used in the past to treat kidney ailments, coughs, poisoning, eye ailments and gastrointestinal complaints. Meanwhile, mountain cumin is hardly used anymore. Occurrence and cultivation of … Mountain Laser Herb: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Flatulence: What to do?

Flatulence causes an accumulation of gas in the digestive tract. This gas is produced by the stomach and intestines during digestion. A large part escapes unnoticed during the day because it is odorless. However, if larger amounts of gas escape, which smell unpleasant, this is flatulence, also called flatulence. If the gas cannot escape, the … Flatulence: What to do?

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Flatulence: What to do?

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? The frequency and duration of the use of household remedies should depend on the degree of flatulence. When the flatulence subsides, the frequency of use of the household remedies can also be reduced. Home remedies, such as carrots, rice, millet and coriander, can be … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Flatulence: What to do?